A Werewolf, A Vampire, and A Fae Walk Into A Bar (Book 1 of The Last Witch Series)

Chapter 39

"I'm sorry, I must have hit my head harder than I thought, because it sounded like you said I magically stopped our car from killing me and--I don't know--wrinkling your outfit?" My voice carries in it all the disbelief I feel, mixed with an unhealthy dose of adrenaline and raw


"That is correct," he says, tugging on his jacket. "My clothing is not wrinkled."

I raise an eyebrow. "That's your takeaway from this?"

"My takeaway is that a small thread of your grandmother's powers traveled through me and into you, though I do not know how such a thing would be possible." He tightens his lips in annoyance.

"Oh, is that hard for you?" I say, laying the sarcasm on real thick. "Something's out of the ordinary and confusing? Poor little vampire."

He ignores my comment, so I ignore him, and instead I look down at my hands like I just grew them from scratch and they might start spitting out lightning or magic balls any moment. When nothing extraordinary happens, I sigh, a little disappointed. I've never understood in books and movies why the heroine or hero resists when they find out they're special or have magic. Music was what made me special, and I was--and am--grateful for it. Otherwise, I would have been just another small-town girl who ended up married to her high school sweetheart and popping out kids while stealing away every week for a night at the pub.

I close my eyes, letting the painful truth wash over me. If it weren't for the Sexies showing up, that's exactly where my life was headed even with this musical gift I've been cultivating for years. Well, maybe except the part about being married to my high school sweetheart. How did I end up here? I was on the right path, the path that led out of Rowley and into the great wide world where all my dreams lived, when I self-sabotaged and ended up right back where I started.

I wouldn't trade Rain for anything, but I wish I could have had her under...smarter circumstances. But then again, aren't these the circumstances that brought these men into my life? Things might be difficult and complicated, but I'm not particularly eager to see them leave, if I'm being honest with myself. Even though that's what will ultimately happen, with or without my baby.

Okay, enough self-loathing. Jesus, a fleeting moment of thinking I was magical and now I want to throw a huge pity party. Buck up, Bernie.

I look back at Darius, who's watching me carefully.

"What? Did I grow horns or something?"

He shakes his head. "But you are exhibiting signs of a serious concussion."

"Pft. I'm fine." But even as I say it, I realize I've been slurring my words this whole time, and everything is a bit fuzzy around the edges. The fact that I didn't even notice scares me more than the actual symptoms. "Let's just get back to the bar."

But as I try to start the car, it sputters and dies. "Shit."

"You are in no position to drive. Nor is your vehicle, it would appear."

"Ha, very funny mister. What do you recommend?"

"First, we must heal you. Then, I will carry you home."

My head begins to pound, like the pain was on a temporary leave of absence and is back in full form. I slump against my seat and close my eyes. Just for a moment.

I start awake at the sound of Darius calling my name.

"Shhh... "I hiss, not opening my eyes. "You're making it worse."

"Bernie, you need to look at me."

I really want vamp boy to back the hell off and let me sleep, but then I remember where we are and what just happened and my heart starts thumping aggressively against my rib cage, jolting me back to reality. "Shit. Okay, I'm here. You mentioned healing? Yes, let's do that before I lose it again. Do you have something like Rune's magic elixirs?"

Darius smirks. "Something like that. But it's more... direct from the source."

"Right, well, lay it on me. I'm ready to go home."

I expect the vampire to pull a vial of some glowing shit out of his pocket, like a normal magical dude. Instead, his eye teeth elongate and he brings his wrist up to his mouth and... bites! "What are you doing?"

He offers me his blood, pulsing out of his vein, like it's a delicacy.

"What am I supposed to do with that?" I ask, my stomach roiling in displeasure.

"Drink. It will heal you."

"Um, no thanks, I'm good. Plan B."

"There is no Plan B, Bernie. This is the plan. The only plan. We need to get you home, but not in your current condition." He stares at me, his dark eyes wide and pleading. "Now, drink."noveldrama

I feel the compulsion and I smack him without thinking. "Don't you dare mind control me," I hiss. "That is against the rules."

"What rules?" he asks with all the arrogance of an eternal being of beauty and power who's used to getting whatever he wants.

"The rules I put in place. I'm the queen of this castle, and what I say goes."

He narrows his eyes at me. "Fine, then drink before you pass out, you foolish, stubborn woman. Or do you want to leave Rain without her milk source and mother?" "That's a low blow," I say, but I can't argue with him. Not about that. I would do anything for that little girl. Including, it would seem, sucking on some vampire blood. Just as I lean in, I pause. "Wait, this won't make me a vampire will it?"

"No. Our transformation ceremony is much more complicated."

"Good," I say. "I'm rather fond of the sun."

Bracing myself for the grossest shit ever, I move my mouth apprehensively toward his bleeding arm, nervous about how his blood will taste, what it will make me feel... and how I'll react to having my lips on his skin.

My mouth reaches the wound and I feel a drop of blood on my tongue. There's not a strong taste to it, maybe a little bitter, but it's thin like water and doesn't have me gagging.

As soon as I swallow, I feel a surge ripple through my body. It's like the feeling of getting goosebumps, but the bumps are in my veins. The rush flows to every part of my body, and as it reaches my head I feel the ache start to fade. Add this to the list of things to sell at the bar: Tylenol capsules filled with vampire blood.

"Do you feel better?" Darius asks, but the tone of his voice shows that he already knows the answer. I realize I must be sucking pretty hard on his wrist, but I can't make myself stop. Every drop makes me feel better and gives me more energy.

Finally, the sexy vampire takes his arm away from my hungry mouth. "Enough," he says with a playful smile. "I need to keep at least a little in my veins."

He starts to pull his sleeve back down, but I notice a drop of blood trickling down his wrist. Before I can stop myself, I lunge at his arm, my tongue flicking out for that last drop of powerful blood.

Our faces are now inches apart. I hold his gaze as I lick my lips, savoring every molecule of his lifeforce. What started as an unappealing proposal has turned into an arousing endeavor, and I'm quite sure Darius feels the same way. Perhaps this was his plan from the beginning.

I'm already so close. I already tasted him.

What's the harm in a little kiss?

No harm at all, he whispers into my mind, and before I can think another thought, our lips are touching, our tongues swirling around each other's. It seems Darius has regained all of his strength since being overwhelmed by witch power, as he reaches around me and pulls our bodies tighter together.

His kisses are forceful but soft, firm

but sweet. I run my hands through his pitch-black hair and over his neck, his smooth skin so

intoxicating that I just want to touch him everywhere. I bite his earlobe as he moves a hand slowly down my side and then slips it under the waist of the back of my jeans. The feeling of his touch on my bare skin makes me nibble his ear almost too hard, so I move my mouth back to his.

He continues to rub and caress in all the right ways, and I find my hands undoing his pants and dancing my fingers along the top of his silk boxers. I break the kiss so I can look into his eyes as my hand starts to move under the waistband. He return's my stare with a fiery passion, and I know exactly where this "little kiss" is headed. If we weren't in a car, our clothes would be scattered about the room and we'd already be under the sheets.

But we are in my car. My car that won't start. Miles and miles from my home... and my baby.

As much as my body is screaming for this, it's not right. My mind is elsewhere, and that's where my body should be, too. Even if it means I have to stop touching the beautiful man in my arms. Darius senses my hesitation, and it seems he understands the timing is all wrong. He also probably snuck in and listened to my thoughts.

"You're right," he says, his lips still brushing against mine, my fingertips still inches from their prize. "When we finish this--and make no mistake, we will finish this," he says, his voice deep and hypnotic against my ear, "it will not be under such limiting circumstances. I will take my time memorizing every inch of you, playing your body like you play that piano, making you sing for my touch until you are begging


His words, the thrill of them, the feel of him still pressed against me, does nothing to deescalate the growing need in my body.

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