After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

She Paid The Price More Than Once.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Chief Robert asked as he examined the building in front of him with his hands on his hips.

"Yup," Candace came up behind him, holding her laptop in one hand, while she typed with the other. "According to the tracker, Ms. Leonica Romero should be here, but," She looked up from her laptop at the building and her face scrunched up in confusion. "This place looks too...dead." Robert nodded, agreeing with his partner. The building in front of them looked abandoned, no movement of any sort and it had a very dead aura around it.

It looked like that one house straight out of a horror movie.

Scary and pretty dead looking, but he couldn't continue standing here. If Leonica Romero was indeed in there, she could be hurt.

The sound of his phone ringing had Robert looking away from the building. He glanced at his phone, seeing that it was the rest of his team calling.

"Report." He said as soon as the phone was pressed against his ear.

"Sir, we managed to discuss the identity of Mrs. Romero's potential kidnapper."

"Give me a name to work with."

"Irene Romero."

His brows furrowed. "The illegitimate child? Why would you think that?"

"We were able to get a glimpse of the license plate and ran it. Turns out the vehicle was rented under her name."

"Good job. You guys should still maintain your current route, I'll place a call back to the station and have them send out some men to bring Irene Romero in."

Ending the call, Robert made a call back to the station, requesting for backup. Once he was done, he sighed. At least they now had a suspect to work with, stops Benjamin from tearing their heads off, Literally. "Come on, we're heading In." He turned around and gestured for Candace to follow him. She willingly did so, placing her hand on her firearm once she had discarded her laptop in the back seat of their vehicle.

"I take back what I said, Chief," She began as the walked into the house, guns pointed straight ahead. "Ms. Romero might just have asked out of curiosity sakes."

"And the location tracker?"

"Perhaps it malfunctioned."

Robert chuckled. Candace was no wuss, in fact she was one of the strongest on the task force, his second in command, but she, unlike him, tries her best to avoid violence.

"You're such a softie." He commented and she rolled her eyes.

"I'd rather be a softie and be able to sleep than a heartless robot like you."

"That's hurtful," Robert was about to add more words when the sound of someone whimpering from a room beside them caught his attention. "Check it out." He instructed after sharing a look with Candace. Without hesitation, she headed for the door and pulled it open, pointing her gun towards the figure that sat by the wall.

"Don't move," She hissed and the figure froze, raising its hand up in surrender.

"Please... Please help me!" The man in the room weakly begged. Only when she directed her eyes towards his leg, which surprisingly had two hole, did she understand the source of his pain.

She grimaced. "Chief, come check this out."

Robert was beside her in second, grimacing at the sight. "Call for an ambulance." He instructed as he rushed towards the injured man, taking off his jacket so that it can be used to apply pressure. "Hey, who did this? Are they still in the building?" He asked. The man was pale and his lips quivered, but he still managed speak. "That bitch, she...she did this."

Robert's brows creased and he looked at Candace who had just finished calling for medics. "Who?"

"Who else, it's that crazy bitch!" The injured man snapped, clearly not liking the fact that the officer's question was reminding him off the disgrace he had suffered half an hour ago.

"Don't strain yourself," Candace fell into the empty space on the man's opposite side. "Is there anyone other than you in this building?"

"How the fuck am I meant to know? That fucking bitch might have harmed them for all I know."

Candace and Robert shared a look after his word and the latter stood up. "I'll go check it out, you stay here."

Candace nodded at his words as he walked away. It only took him a few more minutes before he came across another door, except this one was locked.

He pulled on the handle and heard muffled noises from inside.

"Mrs. Romero? Ms. Leonica?" He called out, knocking on the door, but the voice suddenly stopped. "Please step away from the door, I'll get it open right away."

Saying this, he points his gun at the handle of the door and with one clean shot, the lock was shattered, allowing him to easily push the door open.

"Mrs. Romero-" Robert flinched as he walked into the room, surprised to see that it wasn't Cassandra and Leonica tied up, but rather the illegitimate child of the Romero family and some other man. "'re not Mrs. Romero." "Bright as a fucking light bulb," Irene spat, watching as the man made his way over and undid the rope that had been tied around her. "Finally." She mused while rubbing her wrist.

Suddenly, a pair of iron cuffs were slapped onto her wrist. Irene stared at them like she had seen a ghost. "What the hell?"

"You're under arrest." Chief Roberts simply stated.

"On what charge?"

"The kidnapping of Mrs. Cassandra Romero,"

"That fucking whore-" Irene's word were cut short when Robert placed the metal cuff on her.

"I'd watch my language if I were you, for whatever you say or do can be used against you."

Irene gritted her teeth. How was it that everything always turned out against her.

"Chief Robert?" Candace called out and he turned around, finding his partner walking into the room. "Back up arrived."

He nodded and shoved Irene towards her. "Take care of our suspect, would ya?"

"Sure thing."

As the two walked out, Robert turned around to scan the room, ignoring the man who was still tied up as he wondered where Leonica and her mother could be.

The tracker had said Leonica was here, yet there was no sign of her.

His thoughts were once again interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing.

"Sir, this location is clean." His agent tol him as soon as he had answered the phone.

A decoy, huh? Robert sighed after instructing his agent to carry out a total sweep of the place. So that must mean this place was the real deal. So just where are they?

As he walked past one of the room, the silence in the hallway was interrupted by the sound of his phone vibrating.

Again, he thought, reaching into his pocket to pull it out, only to realize it wasn't his phone.

He frowned and followed the sound, leading him to back to the room he and Candace had first entered.

His eyes landed on the phone that sat on the floor, it's screen cracked, but still vibrating.

He walked towards it, picking it up just as it stopped vibrating and his eyes narrowed into slits when he saw the wallpaper.

So the tracker wasn't wrong.

Benjamin was beyond overjoyed when Leonica, along with Cassandra walked through the doors of his house.

"Cassandra," He rushed up to his dear wife, pulling her into a tight hug that she reciprocated. "Thank goodness you're okay."

"I'm sorry for worrying you, dear." Came Cassandra's response as she eased into the hug offered by her husband, glad to have returned home after two day. Leonica stood by the side, watching her parent's reunion with a smile, until her father noticed her.

"Leonica, did you do this?" He asked.

"That doesn't matter, dad, what does is that mom is back," She flashed a smile at her mother who happily returned the smile. "And everything is going to be fine." "But..." Benjamin was still confused. How did his daughter manage to rescue her mother and put an end to the person who had kidnapped her.

"Don't think too much into it, dad."

Benjamin nodded. His daughter had done well. He'd ask her later.

"I'll call the police and inform Chief Robert of the development." Benjamin said, but not before ordering several maids to take Cassandra up and take the utmost care of her. Leonica waved with a smile on her lips at her mother who waved back before being escorted up the stairs.

When she was finally gone, she sighed and plopped down on the couch, her legs aching, as was her head.noveldrama

The adrenaline rush from earlier had faded and the pain and fatigue had set in.

She leaned back and closed her eyes, allowing her body to sink into the soft cushion.

She really had paid the price for underestimating Irene. As a matter of fact she always had to pay different prices for underestimating her enemies.

Angelina with Gabriel's memories. Rodrigo with pulling a sudden Uno reverse with Melvin and now Irene with the kidnapping.

It was getting tiring.

"Leonica," The sound of her father's voice had her peeling her eyes open. He was standing beside her, looking down at her with an expression that said so much at the same time so little. I've informed Chief Roberts about you guy's arrival. He was...surprised."


"Figures,” She muttered as her eyes glazed over the clock hung on the wall beside her father and instantly widened. "Oh shit," “What is it?” Her father asked as she scrambled to her feet.

"It's dinner time."

"And?" Her father questioned with a confused look. How was dinner time more terrifying than what they had just come out from?

But only Leonica knew the answer to that question, after all, she was the one who Owen had told to return before lunch, which was nearly nine hours ago.

"I need to go." She stated and started for the door, only looking over her shoulder once to promise her father a call.

Once outside, she was almost at her car when another vehicle drove in, stopping in front of her and out stepped Robert. "I got the call from your father." He stated.

"Yes, thank you for your hard work so far." Leonica blabbered in a rush. "But I have to leave."

"Of course, but before you do." He reaches into his back pocket and pulled out something, handing it to her.

Leonica was skeptical, but only after taking it did she realize it was her phone.

"Belongs to you, doesn't it?"

She felt up her pocket and sighed. The device had previous been useless because for some reason it lost signal the minute she stepped into that damn building.

"If you want to thank me, how about

coming down to the station and giving a statement about what happened? It could help with determining Irene Romero's true intent behind kidnapping your mother." He suggested.

"Sure, but not now. I really have to leave." She quickly hopped into her car, turning on the engine and driving off, not even waiting for a response.

"Well, she's a bit of a busy body."

Robert noted and shook his head as

he headed back to his vehicle,

making a mental note to question Leonica is she was the one who had

put the holes in that injured man's legs, the next time they met.

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