Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 0399


"I'll send a list of supplies over." Vee answered quickly. Not missing a beat to accept my proposal. It was good because the safe haven was the best place for the injured. It already had some important medical equipment, so we just needed extra supplies. Bandages, rubbing alcohol, band aids, and ice packs. Basically things that can be found in a typical first aid kit.

"No need, I have a list of medical supplies here. Could you give it to Clarke? He can take a truck and ask the packs of the sector. He shouldn't run into much trouble given the fact that alpha Shawn is holding up by the border with the king." Vee nodded with a slight smile and turned to leave, however Oliver held his hand up slightly, awkwardly, and with a nervous frown.

"I could go with him, if you don't want him going alone. It shouldn't take too long due to the amount of packs that are willing to help." Vee didn't like his plan, and Gilliard liked it even less.

"If you think for one minute that we will trust you to help anyone else, then you're just completely stupid." Gilliard was being slightly harsh, however I could see where he was coming from.

"Gilliard, if he's offering to help then I will gladly accept it. I've already lost everyone I care about, if Oliver is prepared to go with Clarke then I'm not going to say no. I trust him!" Maybe I was being idiotic, but he had proven himself as far as I was concerned by aiding me personally. "Thank you. I'm sure Clarke will be happy to have company."

"Ok. I'll go and find him, and explain the plan." I gave a single nod and watched as they both left, Vee grumbling and grousing at the fact that the beta was once again leaving her.

"I think you're really stupid to trust that guy... he got Lewis captured." Gilliard slammed his hands down on his desk causing the contents to jump slightly off the wood. "He's lucky I haven't..." I cut him off, and rolled my eyes in the process.

"He's lucky you haven't what? Look, Lewis is stuck, and Oliver has a strength that will definitely be an asset to our side. I don't care what your personal feelings are. From a logical side I think he is one of the strongest fighters we have. We would be the idiots not to utilise him." I shrugged already tired, and grumpy today. "If he does anything against us, I'll kill him myself ok?"

"Fine." Silence flooded the room

again as my head rested on my right

knuckle as I stared at all the

paperwork again. "Go to bed, Dylan.

You need some sleep before


I nodded, before peeling myself away from the desk and trudging out of the door.

"You really do love him, don't you?" His question caught me off guard slightly, but at this point it really was undeniable. "Yeah... I really do."

Once I returned to our bedroom, the


cold enveloped me again. I sighed because I knew there was no way I was going to be able to get any rest in here.

I trudged over to Lewis's closest, in the hopes that I'd find a sweater of his to wear, or something, however instead was met by his armor. His brown armor that matched my damaged set, was hung up, enticing me with how perfect it was.

'Gilliard...' I attempted the mind link, straining myself, unsure whether I was even heard by him. 'I don't need a new set of armor...'

I would wear Lewis's.

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