Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 0423


"She is NOT your queen!" A voice sounded from behind the king and Lewis could be spotted walking towards us. His arm was coated in blood but a wound couldn't be clearly seen so I prayed that it wasn't his blood.

"Are you not dead yet old friend?!" The king was crazy, he had lost all sense of humanity as he allowed his black wolf to come forward. "Let's end this!" His clothing became torn and landed in a pile below him as he stood tall and proud on his four legs, his tail now facing me as he challenged Lewis.

"I love you too, Dylan!" Lewis spoke the words that caused my breath to hitch as he too changed into his Lycan form. His Sandy fur shook as he stood to his full height, commanding awe instantly. There was absolutely no comparison.

Lewis was majestic and simply put, amazing to look at, you couldn't help but respect the man simply from his lycans stance. King Josh however only ever elicited fear with his changed form.

The area was filled with the sound of thunder as the two wolves crashed into each other, in a frenzy. Each landing blows to maim.

The first thing I noticed was the sheer, unrelenting power behind every move Lewis made. His presence was overwhelming, almost suffocating in its intensity, each strike he delivered was precise and fierce, sending shockwaves through the air with a force that was impossible to ignore.

It was hard to reconcile this ruthless warrior of the rebellion with the man who had once served king Josh so loyally, he was a man who had allowed himself to be used as a mere tool in the hands of a tyrant. The brutality in his attacks was a testament to why he had been so valuable to the king in the first place, and why he had been kept as a close confidant.

The clarity that his grace did not provide Lewis with the royal beta title simply because they were friends, hit me like a tidal wave. No, Lewis was given that title to decrease his chances of becoming a threat.

Even now, in the throes of battle, I was entranced by the guy.

My man.

The person who not only made me believe I was worth loving, but also provided that safe and affectionate environment that I had unconsciously, always craved. An environment that I had previously deemed impossible for me to obtain.

This beast of a man, was the

complete opposite of his grace. The


king had stolen my body and my mind, he had chained me, and defiled me in every way imaginable. Even if victory was attained, will be reminded of the agony king Josh had caused.

Lewis, however seemed to have healed every crack that had been made, he had set me free. I hadn't realized until recently though, that Lewis had my heart, my mind was consumed by him, which made it very difficult for me to focus on the bloodshed in front of me


However my awe was interrupted when a large wolf tackled me painfully to the ground, and with it a small grunt, left my lips. Without thinking, quickly wrapped my fist around my weapon even tighter than before, and gripped it firmly O backwards. The attacking wolfs claws swiped down on my body, at the exact moment I swung the blade.

It sliced effortlessly through the paw that was about to cause damage, causing a howl of pain to sound out...

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