Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Drake’s Story Chapter 36

Angel’s POV

I froze.

“Deep breaths,” he ordered. He grabbed my hands and held them over my head.

I took a slow and deep breath. And then another.

“Again. Keep doing it. Keep breathing.”

I complied.

“I didn’t want to keep going backwards, baby, don’t want to keep taking you back to what you used to be but if that’s what it takes to calm you the f**k down right now, so be it. I’m your Master and you f*****g behave and do every single thing I tell you to do. Got me?”

He transferred my wrists to one hand and then his other hand cupped me between the legs, “Be a good girl.” He commanded and exerted pressure with his middle two fingers against me for a second and my body went lax, “I can’t give you what you need right now but be good and you’ll get it soon.”

I stayed still, willing myself to breathe another breath. And then another. And then another.

A few minutes passed and he let go of between my legs but he kept hold of my wrists, both crossed above my head and braced under his other palm.

We heard someone coming in so he let me go but gave me a warning look. It was time for surgery.

Drake’s POV

All we needed was for her to have some freak out in the hospital and them commit her. Then if other Kruna scumbags got wind of it she’d be in serious danger, meaning we all would be as I would not hesitate to go Rambo on them if they so much as messed up a single curl on her beautiful head again.

The two security guys at Eddy and Luc’s cabin had been gunned down and one was dead. The other we got in to the hospital. Of the gunmen, I killed one but the second gunman had been injured, not killed, by the security guard that had died and as I drove us to the hospital I’d called Nino, who was already on his way.

He’d gotten there, got the injured guy into the toolshed and then got his brother there. Nino and Tino got creative and then got the guy talking and the guy sang like a canary.

Jason Frost was now in our custody. Tino, Nino, and a few of our guys got to his location and they got him to Azriel’s farm, locked him in one of the stalls in the horse barn. I hadn’t talked back to Zack yet but had texted him that Angel had been shot in the leg and that we were at the hospital, that we had Frost in custody. He replied with an “Okay. I’ll call you soon.”

Azriel’s counselor was due to arrive that day and would be staying at the house with the girls and was reportedly going to be working with Lisa. I texed Zack to send people to Alaska to scope out Angel’s family situation. Gan Chen was in critical condition but had made it out of surgery.

Angel’s POV

I was awake. The bullet was gone from my leg and there was a big bandage. Drake barely left my side and though he didn’t say much he had a fuming angry demeanor that kept me on high alert, kept me quiet, and kept me in slave mode, behaving myself.

A full day had passed since my surgery and he’d only ever stepped out of the room for about an hour, the longest he’d been away from me since I got shot, and while he was gone Azriel had sat in the room with me, watching me with a cold ‘don’t you dare try anything’ look on his face.

Drake came back. Azriel stayed in the room but leaned against the door.

“You good?” Drake sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

I stared wide-eyed.

“I’m telling you baby, I need you to listen and stay calm. Be a good girl. Got me?”

I nodded.

“I’m getting you out of here today and taking you to my brother’s farm for a few days so you can recuperate. When we get there I’m going to update you on where things are at. In order for me to do that you need to listen and you need to behave so they’ll let you out of here. Got me?”

I nodded.

“Answer me.”


“No, answer me properly.”

A tingle worked its way from my scalp to my n*****s and then straight between my legs, “Yes, Master.”

“Good girl.”

From the corner of my eye I saw Drake’s brother shift uncomfortably from foot to foot and blow out a slow breath.

** ** **

We were at his brother’s farmhouse. I was in a double bed upstairs in the spare room. There was nothing else in the room. After a brief chat with the doctor where Drake did most of the talking he got me here and carried me upstairs and put me to bed, slept beside me, holding me close, and now it was the next day.

I was awake, eating toast with PB & J in triangles that Drake had made me and I was drinking coffee. Then he started to talk to me.

“You okay?”

“Yes…” I hesitated. I didn’t know whether to call him Master or not.

He squeezed my hand reassuringly, “I’m sorry that I had to take you back to that time like that in there, Angel, but I couldn’t let you freak out like that in front of the doctors and nurses.”

“I know.” I wasn’t angry. It’d given me a sense of calm and I didn’t want to delve too deep into that but frankly, it was a sense of calm I could use right now. I just did what I needed to and let him worry about everything else. It was easy.

I wanted it now because I had a feeling that whatever he was about to say would be big. I didn’t want to ask for it, though. It was time to put on my big girl pants.

He started talking,

“Hold it together now, ‘cuz this is big. You good?”

“I’m good.”

“Jason Frost was responsible for that. He tried to have me killed.”

I jolted but held myself together.

“No one is after your sister. Everyone is all on the same side right now and while that means me and my brother are on the same side as the bad guys, me and my guys apprehended Jason and took down his snipers. That sniper only meant to injure you.

Frost wanted me dead, you delivered. He had login details for your tracker, which is how he found out you left Thailand. And how he found you here. He tried to kill Gan Chen. Chen is in the hospital recovering from multiple gunshot wounds. He’s gonna live.

I’ve now got Frost in a holding area. You wanna talk to him you can. You can think on that. He tried to buy you a number of times after his uncle, Donovan Frost died.

He found out that you were recently sold and quietly lost his s**t and began plotting so he could get his hands on you. He hired someone to take me out and deliver you. I took down the assassin.

We caught another gunman and had him interrogated and led to finding Frost. We haven’t interrogated him yet. I haven’t gone there yet. Before I proceed I need answers. I need all the answers, baby.”

“He proposed to me. He…he…” I started to panic.

“Chill out, baby. I’ve got you.”

I scampered off the bed onto my knees, a little too hard for the sake of my leg wound, but I ignored the pain and wrapped myself around his leg. He started to stroke my hair and shhh’d me. Like this, at his feet, his hand on me, now I felt like he had me.

“I need a collar,” I whispered and his hand went into his pocket and he pulled out a box, “You’re not getting that blue collar back. I refuse to put it back on your throat. What about this necklace. Will it do?”

I glanced at it as he circled my throat with it. It was a thick silver choker with a heart pendant with a keyhole.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered, “Thank you. But it’s not right.”


“It needs three strands. One means I’m available. Two means I’m booked to a patron or party. Three means I’m owned.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out two more necklace boxes and put them on me. One was a flat choker necklace with a bow pendant and the other was a longer necklace with charms, like a charm bracelet. It had a little horseshoe pendant, a tiny angel, and a little duck. He stroked my hair, playing with my curls, “We’ll figure something out. These okay for now?”

I leaned into his leg, “Yes. Thank you.” God he was sweet.

After a minute of more hair stroking he continued, “He can’t hurt you, he’s locked down. I had my liaison Stan tell the other powers that be about Chen’s injuries and that we have Frost. Chen said before that Frost and you have history and he suspected Frost was making a move so he came to meet with me.

You need to fill me in, Angel. I need your story. I know you’ve been through a lot but I need details and I need them now so that I can figure out what to do to keep us safe. At this point the Kruna big wigs still think of Azriel and I as friends. That has to stay that way for now.”

“Drake, I… it’s so…”

“Please, baby. I need details. I need them now. I know it’s probably gonna break you to talk about this s**t Angel but I’m here. I won’t let anything happen. You need to enlighten me so that I can deal with this s**t. Give it all to me. Let me take care of you. I’ve got you.

You break and I’ll help you get back together, okay my baby? It’s okay to break. I’m here. Trust me to look after you.” He leaned down and took my hand and got me to my feet. He kissed my forehead, “C’mon, let’s get into bed.”

He held me close. I slithered down to his belly and planted my cheek on it and stared up at him. He had such a gentle and caring look on his face. It was hitting me straight in the soul. He tucked my hair behind my ear and jerked his chin up, urging me to start. It took me a minute but I found my voice.

“I do trust you. I do.”

“Okay, baby. Go.” He jerked his chin up.

“I was having fun in Thailand. Teaching, hanging out with other teachers, some other expats my age. We hung out in this nightclub and a lot of Americans, Canadians, and Brits went there.

That’s where I met Jason. He managed the club. He was handsome. He liked me. We started to date. He wanted to get serious like really fast. It freaked me out but we were having fun so I kept trying to keep it light. He was more serious than I was, though.

This Thai woman who was the cleaning lady for the nightclub pulled me aside one day. She was always giving me weird looks and stuff and then one day Jason and I fell asleep in the office after the club closed. That’s the night he proposed. I laughed it off, thinking he was just drunk, and then he got emotional about it. I calmed him down with s*x and we fell asleep.

Anyway, the next morning he was in a mood because I hadn’t accepted and said he had to run an errand so I went to leave to go back to my place and the cleaning lady warned me. She told me that Jason’s family was involved in slavery and that I should steer clear. She begged me not to out her. They didn’t know she spoke English so spoke freely enough around her to tip her off, I guess. She said she thought I was a nice girl and didn’t want to see me tied to that. So I tried to back off from Jase and then he proposed to me again, sensing I was pulling away.

He was really desperate the second time. It was creepy. He was talking in riddles and saying things to the effect of that I’d be sorry if I didn’t pick him because that’d change everything.

It started to freak me out so I was gonna quit my job and get out of Thailand. I told no one. They must’ve been watching me because I got flagged at the airport, put in this little room, and the next thing I know I’m in that little room with Jase and his uncle, who I hadn’t met yet.

They were trying to play things carefully with me, see what I knew. I told them I had an emergency back home and was just flying back temporarily and they didn’t buy it. The woman who warned me was brought in and I knew that they’d figured out she’d told me.

Mr. Frost left me alone in the room with Jason and Jase tried to sweet talk me and obviously they weren’t convinced that I didn’t know anything so then his uncle took over and told Jason I was off limits, that they had to pull me in.

Jase freaked and grabbed the gun from a guard and shot the woman in the head who told me. Right in front of me. He pointed the gun to his uncle and his uncle talked him down but then overpowered him and pistol whipped him until he was knocked out and then took me. I tried not to break. I used to be so strong, but then they showed me….”

I was shaking. He pulled me up by the armpits so I was beside him and tight against him. I couldn’t see his face for the last part because I was right against his chest.

“They had Holly. My 15 year old sister, Drake. They f*****g had her bound and gagged on a plane and were threatening to bring her to Thailand.

That’s when the name I was born with, that person, she ceased to exist. That’s when I became Felicia. I had to be Felicia so she wouldn’t have to be. Please don’t make me tell you the rest. Please. Mr. Frost kept me to teach Jason a lesson and I didn’t think Jase was all that dangerous. I thought he… he…”

“Okay, baby. That’s enough for now.” He stroked my back. I was trembling hard.

“They’re gonna get Holly if they find out I’m not behaving, Drake. Please…please. When you said Jason was here and Mr. Chen and you called me that name I thought they’d think I told you and that’d mean I wasn’t behaving and they were gonna gonna g-get me. I never want to run from you, I want to be yours forever but I thought I have to get to her first.

They said if I ever uttered that other name outloud again that Holly would be theirs. Somehow they knew I hated my mother so they made me take her name. You started calling me Angel and at first I thought you knew who I really was and then I realized that’s who I was to you, an angel, and Drake, that’s who I want to be.

It’s me but a version of me, the me before Alaska, before all the ugliness, before Kruna. Daddy called me Angel. Oh God, I miss him. It was like you saw who I really was under all that ugly dirty ugly dirty….if they find out…oh god…”

“Shh, they won’t. It’s okay. I won’t let them. Breathe, baby, breathe.”

“Drake, please don’t let them. Don’t let them take me. You take me. Keep me. My head is so…I need, I need…” My words were all screwy.

He didn’t make me keep begging. He didn’t wait until I made sense because he knew what I needed. One of his hands slid into my pajamas and then into my panties and then I threw my hands over my head and he pinned them with his other hand. I tested by lifting and his grip tightened, “Don’t move. Be a good girl, Angel.”

I whimpered.

“Isn’t this good, baby?” he asked a few moments later, continuing to rub me.noveldrama

I was having trouble letting go and he obviously knew it.

“What do you need, my baby?”

“I need your c**k, Master. In my mouth. Rough. Make me. Make me do it.”

He let go of my wrists, grabbed my hair, and roughly pulled my head down quickly toward his crotch. I flipped onto my side so that my crotch was up near his head and one of his hands was fisted in my hair and the other went to my pants and hit the spot instantly.



“Suck it good, baby. Be my good girl.”

f**k yes.

I got his pants undone and couldn’t get my tongue to the head of his c**k fast enough. I whimpered again, feeling sensation build as he f****d my mouth, pumping forward into me. He had his thumb on my clit and at least two fingers inside me and I was about to combust.

His phone rang.

His h**s and his fingers stilled and I stopped bobbing.

“No, ignore it. We’re almost there, baby. You’re such a good girl.”

I tried to find it.

His phone stopped ringing and instantly started ringing again.

“f**k,” he grunted and pulled away.

He reached for the phone from the nightstand.

“Bro? Right. Yep. Okay, two hours. Right.” He hung up and looked at me.

“I need to go to the office for a conference call with Chen’s partners.”

“If they find out you’re not and I’m..if they do, they…” My words were screwy again.

“But you’re behaving, baby. You’re my perfect Angel. There’s nothing to be afraid of, okay? Nothing? I own you. You’re mine. You’ve done everything right. You’re allowed to tell me everything. I mean that. You’re mine, not theirs.

So you can tell me everything because you’re my girl. My good girl. Forget them. You’re not theirs. You’re mine. They don’t matter.”

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