Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Drake’s Story Chapter 38

“Baby,” Drake said but I was in a blind rage. I was pacing.

“I need to hit something.”

“Angel, come here.”

“No Drake, I need to hit something and I need to hit it hard.”

“Let’s go run. Running is good. It’s better than hurting your knuckles. C’mon, baby.”

Rage was bubbling, boiling over. I was having trouble thinking straight.

“Let’s put on your running shoes and run. C’mon.” He grabbed my hand, reached into the suitcase on the floor and grabbed sneakers for me and put them in front of me. He was dressed in jeans and boots. He kicked his boots off and got into a pair of sneakers, too.

I got the shoes on and then I started stretching as we descended the stairs and he grabbed two bottles of orange Gatorade and then we went outside and we headed toward the forest behind the farm and we ran.

And I felt angry, so angry, but I also felt free.

Drake’s POV

She had defied me when I said to come here. She said No to me. I’d never been so happy to hear the word No in my life. She was fighting mad.

She was showing signs of not being broken but of having fight in her. And it was f*****g awesome. It made me feel good. It gave me hope.

I ran a slow jog behind her and two of our guys took a slow jog behind me. I hoped this was the start of a turning point for her.

After a good hour of running we were back at the farmhouse and she was in the shower. I left her to it so she could get a few minutes alone.

Nino stopped in and told me he had Frost’s belongings from the guy’s room at the B&B he’d been staying at picked up. He handed me a suitcase and briefcase. He said there was a laptop and clothes, weapons, and cash. A lot of cash. I sent him with the laptop back to the barn so he could get Frost to give his login. It might help us to know what was on that laptop.

He came back ten minutes later and it was open, “It opened with his print. I’ve adjusted the settings so there’s no longer a password.” He put it on the table.

She came down in those pjs of mine that she’d claimed and I got my shower and made a few quick calls upstairs. When I came down she was on the back deck with Nino laughing and they were at the barbecue. He was flipping burgers and sausages.

She saw me come down and came back in and went to the counter where she was making a big salad. I kissed her and she smiled at me and then went back to the salad.

We ate outside with Nino and Tino at a picnic table and she was lighthearted with them and a good hostess. Then Nino and Tino walked over to the barn with food for the other security guards and for the prisoner. I talked to them outside for a few minutes and then I said goodnight and went inside. She was finishing up cleaning the kitchen.

“I’ll make a call and have them pick up Frost tomorrow morning. He made his bet with them so they can deal with him. You okay with that?”

She nodded.

“We need everything else on the table. Tell me everything else.”

“You don’t wanna know.”

“I do. I wanna know it all. I need it all.”

“Why? Why would you want to know about the abuse I dealt with? It won’t help me to relive it and it won’t help us when you can’t get those images out of your head.” She threw the tea towel on the counter and folded her arms.

I was proud of the fact that she was feeling brave enough to say No to me but now wasn’t the time for it, not in this situation.

“I need to know it all so we can move forward. It could take a while before we’re out but the more info I have, the better. Their partner summit is coming up and…”

Angel’s POV

“You’re going?”

“I might have to,” he answered, “It’s gonna take time to get out of this business without making enemies so I have to play their game for a while.”

I swallowed hard and started to tremble, imagining being back there after my teensy weensy taste of freedom.

“So information is power, Angel. I need you to trust that I can take whatever information you have. What they did to you, all of it.”

No. No way did I want him knowing about the horror they’d put me through. No way did he want all that in his head. He would never look at me with love in his eyes again. He’d look at me through a tainted lens.

He’d see worse than the broken slave on her knees begging him to be her Master. He’d see how dirty and broken and unfixable I really was, how broken and unfixable I’d always be, and he’d know that he deserves better.

“Please, Drake.”

“Baby.” He grabbed me and put his arms around me, “I need you to come clean about it all. You need to come clean. You’ve already come so far. You’re transforming before my eyes. You’re not Felicia.”

“Well I’m not her.”


“Her. That other name. I’m not her, Drake. She was crushed into dust. She’s gone.”

“Maybe you’re not Angie anymore. But you’re my Angel. You’re my beautiful girl who survived all of that.”

“I’m a f*****g mess!” I shrieked.

He smiled, “Yeah. But you’re showing some good signs. You’ve been damaged but you’re not broken, babe. Now, tell me. Let’s sit down. I want to know the rest of your story.”

“I can’t. I can’t.” I shook my head and crossed my arms, backing away from him. Damaged was an understatement.

“Baby, listen…”

“Can I go to bed? I want to go to bed.”

He nodded, “Okay. For tonight we’ll leave it on ice. We need to talk this out, though. K**s me goodnight. I’ve got a bit to do and then I’ll be up.”

I went to him and he sat down at the table in front of a laptop. He put his arms around me and I sank into him. He pulled me down onto his lap and held me tight. My chin trembled.

“I’m tired, Drake. Can I go?”

“Go. I’ll be up soon.”

I listlessly climbed up the stairs, climbed into the bed, and got under the covers, got completely under the covers, head and all.

Drake’s POV

I found a folder on Frost’s laptop that said Angie. It was filled with video files. Bile rose in my throat. I didn’t open them. I paced the floor instead.

There was no way in the world I wanted to watch her get abused, watch anyone lay their hands on her. The fact that Frost could watch that s**t? What the f**k? I stormed down to the barn, told the guards to get out of earshot.

“What’s in those video files, Frost?” I greeted. He was laying on the floor against the wall on some hay. He propped his head up on a palm.

“That’s a lot of footage of Angie’s first days at the resort. It’s also some footage of Angie and me before she found out about Kruna. And Donavan gave me footage of her from about three months in. Quite a transformation.”

“You videotaped s*x with her without her knowledge?”

“I’m glad I had spank bank material all this time without her. I needed it. Once you have a girl like Angie you don’t wanna forget. I know you know what I’m sayin’. Of course you know what I’m sayin’.

That’s a ten million dollar cunt you’ve got yourself in there and I know she’s worth every penny your old man paid.”

I ignored the urge to crush the guy, it wasn’t easy, “So, you inherited Donavan’s stock and thought you’d take over his position?”

“Yeah. That was the plan. But obviously that’s out the window. Listen, can we make some sort of deal? I know I’ve got balls to even ask since I shot first instead of approaching you, but we’re reasonable men, aren’t we? We’re business associates at this point, co-shareholders. How about we strike a deal?”

“What kind of deal?”

“I’d make a two-part deal, part one being for her but I can guess you wouldn’t be interested in selling her.”

“She’s not for sale.”

“Then one part only. You buy my Kruna shares, help me get gone so that they can’t take me out.”

“You think these guys would be alright with a partner buying up shares behind their backs? I doubt it.”

Frost shrugged, “They just want me out, man. They loved your old man. They wouldn’t have any problem with Clarkes holding a bigger stake.”

“They want you dead, man.”

“And I’d like to not be dead. How do we make that happen? f**k, I’ll give you my shares. Draw up the papers.”

“If I let you out what’s to stop you from killing me and taking her?”

He shook his head, “I won’t. I’ll go and you’ll never hear from me again.”

“No, you’ll go away and plot some more to try to find a way to take her from me. You can’t get a girl like that outta your head; you said it yourself.”

He got a desperate look, “I love that girl.”

“You loved her so much you wanted to break her and make her yours.”

“Man, you ever break a girl?”


“It’s a f*****g thing of beauty. Killed me that they stole that from me and a girl like Angie? She was amazing. She was the perfect blend of wild and submissive. She was wild on that dance floor, out in the world.

And then in the bedroom, she was a goddamn goddess who did whatever I wanted her to do. You don’t find that every day.”

“No, you don’t.”noveldrama

“So what can I do? What can I give you that’ll make you let me go?”

My phone started ringing. I glanced at the screen. Zack.

I answered, “Hey man.”

“Where’s Jason Frost?”

“I’ve got Frost.”

“s**t. Where?”

“In front of me, in a cell.”

“What are you doin’, man?”

“Havin’ a chat. Gonna decide whether or not to hand him over to them or take him out myself.”

Frost’s eyes grew bigger.

“He’s trying to make a deal with me to let him go. Offering me his Kruna shares.”

“Drake, man, can you hang tight? Can you hang tight till I get there? I need to talk to you. It’s important. Don’t do anything with Frost.”


“The morning.”

“I think I need to settle this tonight.” I wasn’t sure if I could let this slime ball live.

“Dude, I’m on my way. Wait. Don’t do anything. Okay?”

“What is it?

“We’ve gotta talk in person. Don’t make any moves. None. Just wait for me.”


** ** **

An hour later I was sitting on the front steps of the house with a stick and a knife and Zack pulled in on his Harley. Behind him was a car that had three guys in suits in it.

“What the f**k?” I said aloud as he approached me. Two of my men emerged from the barn and stood sentry in front of the barn. Two more materialized from the rear of the farmhouse and flanked me.

A guy in a suit stepped out of the front passenger seat of the car and then he stepped in front of Zack and flashed his ID at me. He shone a flashlight on the ID.

Interpol. f**k.

“We need to take custody of your prisoner,” the ID-flashing guy said.

I looked to Zack.

“We need to talk,” he said.

“I’ll say we do…” I replied.

“Step aside, boys,” I said to my guys and then watched as they took custody of Frost.

Zack and I had a little chat before he left. He told me we needed to talk in the morning, that he had a lot to explain, asked me not to jump to conclusions, and then he left with them. To say I was pissed would be putting it mildly.

I went in the house and stared at Frost’s laptop, sitting on the table. I bet Interpol would love to get their hands on that. I texted Nino and he came in from outside and I handed it to him and told him to leave with it, to put it some place safe.

“What was that scene all about?” he asked me.

“Don’t know yet; guess we’ll find out.” I answered and then went in and phoned Azriel with a quick low-down. He replied that we couldn’t do much but wait for more intel from Zack unless we wanted to jump ship in the middle of the night.

I agreed that if we were gonna be arrested we’d be in custody now so we’d wait. I went up and found her asleep. I climbed in and did nothing but stare at the ceiling for the rest of the night, listening to her breathe, pondering everything going on in my life.

In the morning I got a text from Zack addressed to me and my brother telling us that he had to leave town for a few days but would meet with us when he got back. He said it was important, he knew that he had a lot of explaining to do, but asked that we trust him.

He referred us to his partner, a guy named Hal, who could help with any PI / security needs until he was back. He told me to tell Kruna that I’d taken out Jason Frost, that he was dead.

I was not happy. I didn’t know if Zack was a fed or if the feds were gonna be back to discuss Jason Frost or everything else further. I didn’t know if we should just stay vigilant or if we should take off. It didn’t sit well.

We packed up and headed back to the condo. She was quiet all the way back.

I took her upstairs and then told her I was stepping out for a few hours,

“Do you want me to have someone come sit with you?”

She shook her head.

“I’ll be back soon,” I left.

Angel’s POV

He’d been distant that day. I didn’t know the status with Jason. I didn’t know what was on his mind, I didn’t know much.

He left the apartment and I curled up on a sofa under a blanket and watched cartoons.

Much later, he was back. He kissed me hello and then went to his den and was gone for a long time. I fell asleep on the sofa, hoping he’d carry me to bed but at four a.m, I woke up on the sofa and he was asleep in the bed.

My heart ached. I went back to the sofa and couldn’t fall back to sleep.

The sun came up and I smelled coffee. I sat up and he was in the kitchen,

“Hey,” he said, “Why’re you out here?” He sipped his coffee. He looked ready for the office, dressed in a dark blue suit.

“I fell asleep, I guess,” I muttered and went to the bathroom. When I came out he was on the phone and gathering up his keys and heading out the door. I stepped to the island and he rushed back over, still talking on the phone, telling someone off by the sounds of it, saying “I don’t f*****g think so! Find out where he went!” and he kissed me quickly and then he left.

I stood there for I don’t know how long, sadness enveloping me.

Did something change with him and I? Did he feel differently about me now? What was going on? Did Jason get away or something like that?

Angel’s POV

He came home late. I heard him come in. I was on the sofa in the dark and he walked right by me, heading straight to the master bedroom. I held the tears back. A few minutes later I saw a light go on in the hall, maybe the den. Then I felt his presence. He sat on the edge of the sofa, “Hey, baby?”

My throat and chest twinged and I had trouble swallowing.



“What are you doin’ out here again?” I guess he hadn’t seen me.

Words wouldn’t form on my tongue. He hefted me up into his arms and carried me to his bed and I wanted to fall apart; I felt such relief.

My back landed on the soft mattress and then his lips were on mine. His hand touched my face, “Why’re you crying, my baby? What’s wrong?”

He sounded so gentle, so concerned. A sob tore out of me.

He flipped us so that he was on his back and I was on him and he held me close, “Talk to me.”

I shook my head and kept crying into his chest.


“You left me on the sofa last night so I thought you didn’t care and I…”


“You always carry me to bed and last night you didn’t and so I thought you didn’t care…”

“Baby last night I don’t even remember hitting the bed I was so zonked. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you weren’t there. s**t. Do you wait for me on the sofa on purpose all the time?”

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