Chapter 4
Chapter Four
The two men sitting at her table turned to her with bright and friendly smiles. They’d been coming in twice a day, every day now for the last five days. They always sat in her section and they tipped her generously.
She almost felt guilty for thinking that they were werewolves sent by Dade to spy on her. She didn’t know what gave her that idea. Unlike Dade, they looked perfectly normal. Neither of them had sharp teeth. Their brown eyes were a warm chocolate. There had been no incidences of either of them growling or sprouting hair.
But none of that changed the fact that they were strangers in a small town that was not a vacation destination. The only visitors that ever set foot in their sleepy town were extended family members of residents or strangers passing through on their way to somewhere more interesting. As they never came in with any of the locals, she knew they weren’t here visiting family. And they weren’t just passing through. If that were the case, they’d have left by now. Also, they showed up right after Dade left for the mountains.
If blending in was their goal, they’d failed. They stuck out like sore thumbs.
Mostly out of habit, Halle whipped out her order pad and pen. Before she could inquire after their orders, the brunette said, “Halle, you need to answer your phone.” His tone was so jovial that it took a moment for his words to penetrate.
He sighed. “Dade says you’re not answering his calls. If you don’t start answering, he’s going to be forced to abandon the construction job he promised to oversee to come back for you.”
“He wouldn’t do that for me,” she blurted. The more she’d thought about it, the more she was certain that this was some sort of trick to get her into bed. Men would go to amazing lengths for sex. It seemed that werewolves were no different. Since she didn’t instantly fall into bed with him, she now presented a challenge.
Halle was apprehensive of what would happen when he realized that she wasn’t going to give in. In her experience, men turned into angry little boys when denied for too long. And Dade wasn’t an ordinary man despite his claims to the contrary. He could turn into a wolf at will. This was entirely new territory for her.
He shook his head slowly. “Actually, there’s very little he wouldn’t do for you.”
“So, please answer your phone,” his redheaded friend said. “He’s going out of his mind wanting to be with you.”
“That sounds sweet, but I don’t believe you.”
The redhead’s sigh was much like his friend’s, patient yet a tad condescending. “Talk to him. Let him convince you.”
“I’m Baxter, by the way,” said the brunette, “and this is Davy.”
Halle nodded. She was just about to ask for their order again when Emmett interrupted her. “Halle, I’d like a word with you when you’re done here.” He sounded so serious that she knew she was in trouble.
“If you need us, let us know,” Davy said with a nod in Emmett’s direction. “Dade instructed us to protect you.”
She giggled at the idea of Emmett being considered a threat to anyone. “I don’t need protection from my boss, but thanks. Can I get your orders? He’s probably grumpy because I’ve been over here too long.”
“Sure, just get us the burgers and fries.” Baxter handed her the menus. “Thank you, Halle.”
Halle turned in their orders before seeking out Emmett. He stood in the doorway of his office and waved her back. He motioned for her to sit opposite his desk while he made his way behind it. His office was small and cramped. The simple wood desk was covered in paperwork. Emmett’s chair squeaked ominously as he settled into it. Halle feared that it would send him crashing to the floor. She winced in preparation, but surprisingly, it held.
Emmett folded his hands over his midsection. “Halle, you know I don’t like to beat around the bush. I’m too old for it and I pride myself on customer service. I don’t want to keep you too long. You are also aware that I don’t poke my nose in where it doesn’t belong so this is the only time we’re going to discuss this.”
“Okay,” she said slowly, still not sure where this was going.
“Halle, do you need help?”
“Angie told me about what happened with that werewolf. And then those two fellas started coming in everyday—”
Halle groaned. She could only imagine the tales that Angie had been spinning. Angie had been not so subtly pumping her for information since the incident with Dade. Halle had said all she was going to say on the matter. “I don’t know what story Angie is passing around, but I told her it was simply a mistake. Nothing happened between me and that werewolf.”
He screwed up his face. “Much as I love Angie, it’s not just her. Herb and Cal were here. They said he had you backed up into the wall. You’re one of my best waitresses. Hell, you’re the only one I can count on to come in on time and to fill in for the other girls. If you need help, or a safe place to stay, you let me know.”
Emmett really was a softy, Halle thought fondly. She felt sentimental tears sting her eyes. “Thank you, Emmett, but I’m fine. He didn’t threaten me.”
He gave a sharp nod. “If the situation changes, the offer stands.” He stood with a groan. The chair made noises of its own. “One day, I’m going to replace that damned thing,” he said. “It’s hell on my back. But Millie bought it and I can’t seem to let it go.”
“Have you thought of having it fixed?”
Emmett made a humming sound. “Can’t say as I have.” He ran a hand over the back of the chair and gave it a spin. It was wobbly and squeaky. “Russ does some amazing work with wood. I’ll take it over to his shop tomorrow.”
Halle smiled and went back to check on her customers. The dinner crowd was beginning to pour in. She groaned when she saw Lamar once more seated in her section. As she approached, she saw that he’d brought a small boy with him. She’d seen the child around town, but always with Amy and never with Lamar. He was very cute with caramel colored curls and big honey brown eyes.
“Hi,” she gave the child a big smile. “Aren’t you a cutie?”
“Hi, Halle. Thanks. I’m told he looks just like me.”
Her smile tightened. “Lamar, what will you have?”
He rubbed his hand over the boy’s head. “This is Lamar, Jr. He’s four. We’re having a men’s night out. Isn’t that right, Jr.? Didn’t you want kids, Halle? Imagine, you could have one that looks just like him.” His grin was downright lecherous. Halle couldn’t believe he was hitting on her with his kid sitting right there. This was a new low.
“If you need extra time to study the menu, I can come back,” she said stiffly, ignoring his comments.
“Halle, you’re no fun.”
“Extra time, it is,” she said and spun away.
Lamar grabbed her wrist. “Come on. When did you lose your sense of humor?”
Twin growls erupted behind her. Two very angry werewolves towered over her. “Let her go,” Davy bit out.
Little Lamar’s eyes widened and fat tears rolled down his pink cheeks seconds before he released a loud wail. Halle turned around and hit Davy and Baxter with her order pad. “Look at what you did! Get back to your booth, both of you.” She hit them again when they simply stared at her with stunned expressions. “Go on. I can take care of myself.”
“All right,” Baxter said, raising his hands. “We’ll go.” He shot a glare at Lamar. “But we’ll be telling Dade about this.”
“You’d better answer your phone if you don’t want this guy’s blood on your hands,” Davy added.
“Is that monster still giving you trouble?” Lamar asked.
“Let me worry about that.” Halle bent down so that she was at eye level with the boy. “They’re gone now, see? They thought they were helping me but they were wrong. So, I sent them away.”
His father leaned over him and whispered something in his ear. Lamar, Jr. sniffled and tried to catch his breath. Since he was winding down, she straightened. “I’ll check on you later.”
Halle headed to the kitchen to see if Davy and Baxter’s burgers and fries were ready, though she knew they wouldn’t leave until the restaurant closed or her shift ended. They’d find one reason or another to linger. Usually, they ordered dessert and coffee. They didn’t talk much. Once she’d seen the one called Davy reading a book while Baxter worked on his tablet. Occasionally, she’d feel their eyes on her.
She delivered their meals and refilled their drinks before getting Lamar’s order. When he started to flirt, she cast a glance over her shoulder at Davy and Baxter. Lamar heeded the subtle warning. For once, Halle was glad to have her own personal bodyguards.
A deep sigh filter through the line. “Halle,” he breathed her name. He said it with such desire and longing. One word and she’d never felt more wanted in her life.
Halle closed her eyes and settled more deeply into her bedding. She’d come home from work, taken a quick shower, and gone to bed still not one hundred percent sure if she was going to answer Dade’s call or not.
In the end, she had no choice. She’d decided to answer the phone—not to save Lamar’s sorry ass a beating, but for the little boy she’d met tonight. He needed Lamar. She wouldn’t be responsible for a child losing its father.
And it wasn’t because she found Dade attractive. Or that it had been a struggle to ignore his calls. Or that she wanted to believe that she was his mate and that he was hers. Or that she’d felt drawn to him. No, it was none of those reasons. This was all about that crying little baby boy. And if she lied to herself enough eventually, she would believe it.
“Are you alone?”
Dear God, she’d forgotten how deep his voice was. “Of course,” she replied.
He exhaled. “You don’t know…. I’ve been losing it up here…not being able to be with you, touch you, and then you not answering my calls.”
She said what she was thinking. “Do you know how crazy you sound? How all of this sounds to a normal person?”
“Fuck normal. I’m not exactly a normal person.”
“I kind of got that when you proposed to me.”
“I didn’t propose. I simply stated what would happen.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“Hence the phone calls. Halle, I’m not a guy given to talking or sharing his feelings. I’m doing this for you while I can. When I come back to town, I don’t know that I’ll be able to keep from claiming you.”
“Claiming me?” she asked hoarsely. Halle was turned on in spite of herself. She knew she should be angry. She was an independent woman. She’d been taking care of herself since she was eighteen. No one owned her. Yet, she couldn’t repress the shiver that raced down her spine at the idea of him claiming her. “You do realize that I’m not some prize you pick up at your local radio station for being the twenty-first caller?”
“We won each other in an entirely different type of lottery.”
He was crazy and he made her feel that way, too. She believed him when he talked. Apart from the whole turning her into a werewolf part, he was selling her a fairy tale. He said all the right things. He wanted to marry her. He was willing to give her his enduring devotion. He wanted only her.
Reasoning didn’t enter the equation. She wanted to believe him. And that was dangerous because it was stupid. It could only lead to pain and misery.
“If everything goes according to plan, this renovation should be done in under three weeks. That’s all you’ve got, Halle, and then you’re mine.”
She’d never been with anyone so assertive or self-confident. Or delusional. “Look, if this is just about you wanting to get me into bed, you don’t have to go through all this. You’re an attractive guy. I might have said yes even without you pretending that this was going to go somewhere.”
Dade growled. “You’re too good to settle for less. I don’t know you that well, but…damn, you deserve the best out of any man who wants to be with you.”
“Halle, I damn well will be in your bed in three weeks—less if I can manage it. But you need to accept that what we have is forever.”
“Even…even if I could believe that…I don’t want to be a werewolf.”
He grunted. “Let’s tackle one issue at a time.”
“I would call that a pretty big sticking point.”
“As you get to know me better—learn more about our kind—”
“Why should I have to change? How is that fair?”
He laughed.
“Did I say something funny?” she asked, bristling.
“I like that you’re thinking about it. I’d call that progress.”
“I’m not thinking of that at all.”
He was silent for a time then he grunted. “You’re thinking about the other.”
She wished he wouldn’t talk in riddles. “What other?”
“I’d rather not discuss it.” Before she could question him further, he moved on. “How was your day?”
She huffed. He could be infuriating. “Your spies haven’t reported in to you yet? They’re the reason I answered your call. They threatened my…friend. I wanted you to know that you have no reason to hurt him. I’m not interested in him.”
“I know that, but I also know that he’s very interested in you.”
“Lamar is scum, but he’s also a father. Personally, I could care less about his welfare. I’m asking that you leave him alone for the sake of his children.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t kill him. But that doesn’t mean I won’t make him wish he were dead if he doesn’t back off.”
“Okay, when you’re capable of making threats like that…. I’m an ordinary girl. My life might be boring, but I’ve got no desire to fill my life with danger and drama.”
“Halle, I think you’ll find that we have more in common than you think. I don’t go around threatening people. Until someone decided it was a good idea for us to go public, all I did was try to blend in and go unnoticed. I can’t say that your life will go unchanged, but that’s the nature of all relationships.”
“I thought you said you weren’t good with words.” She’d hate to think of how convincing he’d be if he were.
“I’m not. I’m simply telling you the truth.”
“Then what is the ‘other’ you spoke of?”
He sighed. “I didn’t want to bring it up. I know how important it is for many human females to feel emotionally connected before becoming intimate. For that reason, we should wait before discussing our intense attraction.”
Halle choked and then squeezed her eyes tightly shut. “Who says that I’m attracted to you?”
“Humans,” he murmured. “I know you want me, Halle.”
“You talk as if humans are an alien species. You’ve never dated a human?”
“Never. For others, it may be easy to conceal their true nature. For me, it is not.”
“Okay.” He had her curious. “How would a female werewolf react differently?”
“She’d understand the uniqueness and the importance of our connection. She’d feel it as strongly as I do and not try to deny it. There would be no debate. No ‘getting to know you’ grace period. We’d be mated and fucking already.” At her gasp, he said, “Shit, sorry. Making love.”
Halle giggled. “I’ve heard the f-word before.”
“I’m trying to be a gentleman for you. I don’t want to scare you away.”
She stifled a yawn. “How fragile do you think I am?”
“You’re tired,” Dade said quickly. “I’ll let you go to sleep. We can talk again tomorrow night.”
Glancing at the time on her phone she realized that they’d been talking for almost an hour. It’d been a long day. She’d worked a double shift as she did too often, but she had the day off tomorrow. She planned to spend the day cleaning. Her sheets needed to be changed. Laundry needed to be done. An unidentifiable substance grew in a ceramic dish at the back of her refrigerator. Further investigation was required and she’d been putting it off for a week.noveldrama
“Promise me you’ll answer when I call.”
“I promise.”
“Goodnight, Halle.”
“’Night, Dade.”
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