"But there is something about the earth that keeps calling my soul every day. It's like, that's where I belong, and there is someone there that is waiting for me. I can feel it." She said. clutching her chest, looking at Medusa with a lot of sincerity.

"Really? I think you are just overthinking it. Don't say this in front of your husband. He will get angry." Medusa said. Lucinda frowned and stared into thin air.noveldrama

"Why do you say that he has always been a good listener? One thing that makes me think I don't belong here is that my skin is not blood-red like yours, and you guys have horns, and I don't. I think I look like the humans burning over there." she muttered, pointing at the fire area of hell.

Medusa gasped with her eyes open, as if she had seen a ghost, and moved closer to Lucinda, covering her mouth with her hand. "Your highness, you are here," Medusa said, staring at Lucifer, whose eyes were on fire. Lucinda's eyes widened, and she quickly removed Medusa's hand from her mouth.

"Come with me, Lucinda," he said in a bass voice, and she flew away with him. They flew around hell, flapping their wings in the air.

"Look at those people down there. They are burning because of their selfish reasons and desires." he stated.

"Why do they keep burning non-stop and why are we immune to the flames?" she asked.

"You have grown up and become wise. You ask wise questions every day, and I don't

like it, I would like you to take an oath." He declared, taking her hand.

"What's the oath about?" She inquired as the wind collided with her hair.

"You will have to promise me, you will never fall for a human if you have the chance to live.

on earth one day." he stated.

"What if I can't promise you and what will be the consequences if I fail to keep the oath?" she asked.

"I will have to end your life." He stated, and she gasped.

"But I am your wife. Why would you think of killing me? Don't talk to me. I can't take the oath." She said she was trying to leave his presence.

"Don't try to walk out on me. I made you where you are today, and you are trying to leave me for a human. Humans are ungrateful!" He half yelled.

"What do you mean by humans being ungrateful? Am I a human?" she inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Hell no! I wish you were." He stated, with his mouth wide open.

"You know, it's always been my dream to go to the Earth and see what it's like," she mumbled.

"I know, but you are a demon. The earth is not for people like us. That's why we live here." He assured.

"But you send some demons on missions to Earth every day. Why can't you give me a mission so I can transform into a human and go there?" She questioned.

"It's not as easy as you think. You are my wife, and we are bonded by flesh. I can't let you slip out of my fingers." He stated. "You can't go away from me." He added.

"You are treating me like an object you own!" Lucinda lamented with her brow furrowed. She knew it was impossible to reason with him, so she let out a sigh and turned her back on him. She spread her wings and flew away without looking back.

"Lucinda I..." Lucifer pursed biting his lower lip.

"Handling this particular human is not as easy as I thought; she is becoming stubborn every single day. And I have not even slept with her once. I will have to do it tomorrow night to strengthen our bond." Lucifer muttered to himself, flying to his chambers.


Lucinda shut the door of her room with tears falling down her eyes. She turned to her room and saw Medusa sitting on her bed, she was reading a book.

"Medusa." She whimpered, wiping her eyes with the back of her palm, and ran to her on the bed. Medusa was shocked to see her crying before she could utter a word. Lucinda lay next to her on the huge bed and rested her head on her lap, facing the ceiling.

"Medusa, can you believe what my husband said?" Lucinda muttered. She knew Medusa was the only one that understood her. "He said that I am the only one he won't allow to go to earth, but why? Medusa why?" Lucinda questioned, Medusa stroked her hair that was all over the bed.

"Your husband knows best," Medusa replied flatly.

"Gosh, that wasn't the answer I was expecting," Lucinda said, turning her head to look at her. "Why do I have the feeling there is something you are not telling me? Have you gone to earth before?" She questioned. Medusa's eyes widened, and she twisted her lips.

"Um, yes, but I went there for a particular reason. Your husband is right; the earth is a dangerous place, and not for people like you. He knows best." Medusa said, still stroking her hair. Lucinda was getting pissed just listening to her defending her husband.

"Can he at least give me a mission to go there? Why am I being treated differently in this place? You guys make me feel like I don't really belong here..." Lucinda lamented. Medusa gasped.

"No, my queen, but missions are for servants, and you are not a servant. You are the queen of the underworld. Your mission is to serve your people and always be with your husband." Medusa stated. Medusa's words sparked a fire in her, and she couldn't take it any longer, so she sat up in bed.

"Why can't you just be on my side for once in your life?" Lucinda asked, sounding hurt.

"Lucinda, you don't understand, I want the..." Lucinda cut in, putting her hand in the air.

"I don't want to hear it! Get out!!" Lucinda declared, pointing at the door.

"I said get out now!!" she snapped. Medusa pursed her lips and clutched her book before jumping down from the bed.

"Alright, I will leave my queen. I will be outside if you need me." Medusa said with a sad expression, and bowed slightly, before walking toward the door. She glared at her, watching her go. She shook her head, smiling at Lucinda, and shut the door.

"Gosh!! Why am I being treated this way? I don't deserve this!" Lucinda whimpered as tears welled up in her eyes. She grabbed her duvet.

Everyone is just supporting my husband, and he hasn't even told me about my parents.. Everyone in the Bible has parents and someone they came from, but I just found myself in this world alone at the top, where no one understands me and Lucifer told me he didn't rebel against God; instead, they had an agreement to test human fate in God. I really want to go to Earth. I want to know what it looks like, how the people live, how they communicate, and how the land is everything. I want to know it all!! She cried inside of her. She sighed deeply and lay on the bed.

She couldn't sleep uncomfortably because of her extremely long hair. Her hair was magical, so she used it to wrap her body. She was feeling caged, but it was the only way to have a good night rest, she organized her pillow and rested her head on it, drifting to sleep. In not less than a second, Lucifer opened the door of her room, letting the light from outside enter her room.

"She is already sleeping," he muttered. He was about to go when he noticed her hair was on her body. He ambled over to her on the bed and started losing her hair on the bed. "Stubborn girl," he mumbled and walked out of the room.

Days passed, and Lucifer carried Lucinda in his arms, leading her to his room. As he was about to enter his chambers with her, he transformed into a handsome and fine human. Lucinda looked at him and smiled with her hands wrapped around his neck.

He placed her on the bed. and started kissing her, trailing kisses around her body as he caressed her, and she lifted her hair and it tied itself into a long bun. In one quick move, he lifted her onto the bed and kissed her so deeply and slowly. He kept his hands on her ass as she wrapped her hands around his neck and pressed into him. She heard a groan leave his lips and took that as a sign to keep going.

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