Mr Billionaire's Regret Chasing His Irresistible Wife (Jared and Arielle)

Watching over her


I drove like a lunatic, merely waiting for traffic lights and shouting a lot of apologies into the air as I attracted irritated honking of car horns from other motorists. They just had to understand - Arielle was in danger and needed saving. It felt like my new life's purpose; to make sure Arielle was safe. I was more than surprised to receive a call from Dwayne. Neither of us had any reason to reach out to the other so I nearly let his call ring straight to voicemail.

Quickl, I pulled out my phone to contact a doctor I knew from one of the hospitals. I just had to put things in place and not take any chances. The number went straight to voicemail on the first ring. I felt my growing frustration with every voicemail tone I heard. I'd kept my eyes focused on the phone and failed to look ahead so when I looked up, I was almost running into the car right in front of mine.

Cursing under my breath, I slammed down hard on the brakes before hitting the horn. I looked out of the window, ready to empty my frustrations on the unfortunate driver when I realized why there was a traffic jam. A car has broken down right in the middle of the road few poles ahead and a tow truck had just arrived to get it off the road.

I was fast running out of time and another vehicle was coming in to stay behind me. I figured that if I stayed put I'd be stuck between two unmoving cars for God knows how long. I didn't have the luxury of that much time on my hands. I quickly hit the reverse gear and turned the car around, almost colliding into the incoming car. But I managed it somehow and steered the car around in the other direction without scratching the other two cars. I mouthed an apology as I zoomed off.

When I arrived at Arielle's house, a wave of anxiety gripped me. I feared the worst for Arielle and I could only mutter a silent prayer as I ran up the steps to her front door. I rang the doorbell and waited anxiously for her mother to get the door. Moments later, the door lock clicked and Arielle's mother opened it for me to come in.

"Oh, Jared. I don't know what's wrong with my Arielle. My poor baby," she cried.

"It's alright, ma'am. I'm here now," I said reassuringly and followed her up to Arielle's room. I'd never come this far into the house and for a fleeting second, I wished it had been under better circumstances.

Arielle was disoriented when I entered the room. Her skin was pale and she shook violently like she was in a convulsive fit. Most of her body was exposed and I had to drag my eyes off her bare skin. "How long has she been like this?" I asked.

"Since she woke up. We need to get her to a hospital immediately. The hospital's ambulance was taking so long to arrive," she explained sadly.

"It's okay. Help me get her changed into something loose and decent," I said and stepped out of the room to give her some privacy.

Immediately after Mrs Meyers got her changed, I stepped into the room and gently lifted her from the bed into my arms. Her eyes fluttered open and she tried to speak.

"Ja.. Jared.." she said weakly.

"It's okay. I've got you," I reassured her and continued downstairs.

I gently set her down in the back seat of my car and helped her mother climb into the passenger side before firing the car away for the nearest hospital. I dialed the doctor's number again on the way and it went straight to voicemail.

We got to the hospital and I hurriedly jumped out of the car. There was no emergency response team in sight so I quickly got to work and lifted her into my arms like before. Somewhere along the drive, she'd gotten visibly better. Her color has returned and her eyes were open now, even though they still looked tired. Immediately we got to the hospital lobby, I set her down on the waiting bench and walked over to the counter.

"Where's Dr. Barnet? I've been trying to call him," I said to the nurse on duty.

"Hello. Good morning. Dr. Barnes is currently in the OR, so I'm afraid he can't attend to you at the moment. We can help you instead. Let's start with getting your wife admitted first," the nurse said.

As much as it thrilled me to have someone refer to Arielle as my wife, it drove me insane that the nurse was rather interested in creating a folder for her instead of treating the matter like the emergency it really was.

I slammed my hand down on the counter and caused her to jump. "This is an emergency situation. Why aren't you treating it as such?" I asked with frustration and impatience etched on my face.

Just as I'd finished speaking, a man who was covered in blood and convulsing terribly was wheeled in on a gurney.

"That is an emergency," the nurse pointed out. "Your wife looks like she has what.. a fever? You relax, okay?" she said and proceeded to create a folder for Arielle on the hospital's database. We finally got Arielle in a room and the doctor materialized moments later.

"I'm sorry I took so long," Dr. Barnes apologized. "Why didn't you let another doctor look at her?" he asked as he rushed over to Arielle's side to begin his diagnosis.

Arielle was too weak to respond so he turned to us instead as he examined her. "Can you tell me a bit more about what happened? When did she start feeling unwell?" he asked.

"She woke up this morning with a terrible fever and she's been shivering all morning," Arielle's mother explained sadly.

"She's not been able to speak much as well," I added.

"I understand," Dr. Barnes nodded and turned to the nurse he'd come into the room with. "Let's get her warmed up with some blankets and get an IV started to help with hydration," he directed and turned back to us. "I'm going to order some tests and see what's really causing the symptoms."

"Please. You have to save my little baby," her mother cried. "She's all I have."

"I promise you, we'll do everything we can to help her," Dr. Barnet said emphatically before heading out of the room.


The test results returned later and Arielle was diagnosed with a severe cold. The doctor recommended plenty of rest and at least a week long break from work.

"It's gonna be tricky to convince her on that," I said to her mother.

"She'll have to," the poor woman sighed weakly.

Arielle stopped shivering and fell into a quiet sleep.

With Arielle's condition finally managed, I figured I should get her something to eat for when she woke up.

"Umm, I'll go get Arielle something to eat when she wakes up. Want me to get you something too?" I asked her mother.

"Just fruits. Loads of fruits for her and some for me as well," she answered. "Oh, my poor baby," she sighed.

"She'll be alright, ma'am," I said reassuringly and stepped out of the room. I'd just come into the lobby when I spotted someone. Dwayne. I instantly forgot about the fruits. He spotted me and walked over. "How's she?" he asked.

I still had a flustered look on my face. "I thought you were out of town?" I asked.

"I had to cancel my appointments," he answered. "Take me to her, please."

I grudgingly obliged him and led him to see Arielle.

Immediately Dwayne stepped into the room, Arielle's eyes fluttered open.

"Dwayne. You came?" she whispered weakly.

"Yes, I came, ostrich. How are you?" he asked as he slipped into the space beside her on the bed.

"I'm better now," Arielle smiled weakly.

"That's great," Dwayne said and stroked her hair affectionately. It took all the self control in me to look away without tearing his hands off her body. "Have you had anything to eat?" he asked. Arielle shook her head weakly.

"Alright. I'll go get you something to eat then. What would you like?" he asked.

"I have that covered already. I was on my way to get it before you came," I said firmly.

"Well I can get it then since you've not gotten it already," Dwayne shrugged.

"No!" I snapped. "I'm getting it," I insisted.

"Hey. Can you both not do this right now?" Arielle's mother cut us both short. "Dwayne why don't you get some fruits and then Jared can get some proper food? Soup from that Chinese place down the street. We passed it on our way here, right?"

"True. I'll do that then," I nodded and headed out of the room.

Dwayne came marching right after me.

"You don't have to be unreasonable like that you know," he said.

"Don't show up here and tell me what to do," I snarled at him in response.

He stared at me for a while before letting out a sigh. "Can we not fight while she's here in this hospital at least?" he asked

I searched his eyes for the cunning I associated him with before realizing he had a point anyway. "Just stay out of my way," I said and turned to leave.

We both returned and stayed in the same room, waging a silent war with our eyes. My phone kept ringing in my pocket but I ignored it.

"Are you going to take that?" Dwayne asked.

I took out the phone and placed it on silent before throwing it back into my pocket.

Mrs Meyers rose to her feet and stretched her limbs before walking over to Arielle's side. She has her eyes closed, her hand placed atop Arielle's forehead in a silent prayer.

When she was done, she turned around to face us. "I have to go pick Maverick up from school. I can trust you both to watch Arielle for me.. without clawing out each other's eyes," she said with a hint of irony in her tone. "We'll be good, ma'am," Dwayne reassured her.

"You don't have to worry, Mrs Meyers. I'll make sure she's okay. I promise," I said to her and she nodded gratefully.

My phone beeped with an incoming

call for the millionth time and I

glanced at it before putting it away. I

was about settling into the

quietness of the room when it beeped again with another round of messages. My secretary had fired in nearly two dozen emails. Different clients were trying to get through to me without success. I was taking a risk but it was worth it.

"You are a wanted man, aren't you?" Dwayne commented with a little smirk. I looked at him and away.

"This is more important," I brushed it off.noveldrama

"Look. No one's trying to discredit

your effort here. You've given your best in this situation and anyone

would have commendable words

say to you. But you shouldn't let other things go messy because of

this. Go take care of whatever

reason that phone's been buzzing all day long. I'll watch her. When you

return, I'll go and like that... we'll take

turns," Dwayne said.

I eyed him suspiciously. "You're not going to bring in your goons to keep me from making it past the lobby if I leave?" I asked.

"You don't think I'm that petty, do you?" Dwayne asked with a smug smirk.

My phone buzzed again in my pocket and I knew he was right. "I'll be back. Thanks," I grumbled, before walking away.

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