Sold to the mafia boss


Logan’s P. O. V.

I watched Dani’s laptop, my lips paused as I watched Layla walking into the basement.

I knew it. I knew she would still take the bait.

The disappointment waved across my face as I watched her. I felt angry, disgusted and most of all disappointed.

How could this girl be so stupid, taking every trap laid down for her?

I’d intentionally left the keys in that drawer and opened that door at the back of the basement for her. I wanted to see if she was still going to escape. It’s been two weeks and three days since her staying at that fucking house, how could she not get used to it by now?

Angrily, I pushed by folded leg from above the other and reached for my phone from across the table. Dani sat next to me, watching the laptop too.

I never stopped watching her every move from this side since the day I left the house. She was a fool, thinking there weren’t any hidden cameras in the house and that I’d leave her like that, all alone.

I’ve had my men watch her from the house, except her closet. I’d been the only one watching her in there from here. I knew for one that she would try to escape by all means. For the past two days I’d actually felt relaxed and somewhat happy that she wasn’t trying to escape.

I’d watched from the computer while Beverly was delivering her clothes and she hadn’t said anything to her besides their casual talk. Their casual talk where she was trying to hint her that she’d been kidnapped. I’d thought about letting that slide but after seeing this now, I wasn’t gonna let anything slide anymore.

I grabbed my gun from the left side of the table, Dani’s eyes following it as I leaned back on the broom chair in the hotel’s balcony. Flipping open my phone, I dialed Mahone, one of my bodyguards whom I’d called a couple of minutes earlier to stand guard at the side where Layla was going to burst out the moment I saw her rummaging through the drawers.

” She’s getting out now ” I said into the phone and ended the call, rising up and storming out, Dani right behind me.

I felt angry that I was leaving right this moment while Astrid was still trying to squeeze out information about Jamie Templeman from that douchebag and Layla had to drag me out of here. I felt angry because Layla couldn’t do the one thing that I asked her to. I’m so angry I knew I’d probably put a bullet to this asshole’s head if I had the time to go see Astrid now.

But as I climbed onto my car, I swore mentally to kill him first thing when I come back here whether he told me a single thing or not.

Dani sits beside me and the car drove off to the airport where my jet sat waiting. I didn’t waste time to get on board. A few minutes later, I was getting off the jet inside my compound. I hurried into the elevator immediately and sped up to the sitting room.

Mahone is standing by the door the moment I stepped inside and he quickly nodded at me before getting onto the elevator and leading us to where he’d put Layla.noveldrama

Layla’s P. O. V.

When the air hit my face, I realized that I’d been kept in here longer than I would normally endure. A rush of adrenaline hit my face as soon as my legs hit the rather weak door and it went flying out. I gasped for air and wondered if Logan had no idea about a door down here.

Yes, that was possible. He owned this huge mansion which he probably just bought out of its luxury without caring to look at it’s blueprints. There could be an annex attached to this house and he would still not know.

I was tiny enough to fit through the small circular space. Shifting on my butt through the floor and putting my legs out, I slowly began to push myself out. It was hard but I went through.

As soon as I was out, I picked myself up from the grassy floor and looked to the right.

You know that feeling when you’re just recovering from a harsh fever and wake up to a room full of people, sweats rippled all over your face, dripping down your chest and you fight for air, dragging every ounce of it into your lungs because your life actually depended on it? Because the room was just too jam-packed for your to breathe properly? Where series and waves of pain washed over your brain, threatening to knock you out again and you start hyperventilating, feeling like you’re gonna faint in a couple of seconds if your mom didn’t stop staring down at you like you had contacted some deadly disease? That’s how I felt as my eyes matched one of Logan’s men standing at the other side.

My heart raced painfully in my chest as his eyes threw nothing but hatred at me. He’s dressed in completely black suits. So were the two men standing beside him.

I started to actually hyperventilate. I felt nauseous, my vision getting blurry and doubled as I watched them advance towards me.

” Please ” my voice was barely audible to my own ears. I watched the fence that seemed a few steps away from me and couldn’t bring myself to run for it. In a swift second, the men were standing next to me.

I felt the tears escape my eyes as I tried to breathe ” no, no, I can’t….. ” I tried to breathe ” I can’t go back. No! ”

I tried to fight them as they tried to hold me. I pushed him back. My eyes quickly darted down to his clenched fist and before I could look back at his face, I felt his hand connect with my jaw, hard. The kind of hit that sets you off balance, that makes you stagger backwards, pain coursing through your entire head.

The force from his punch makes me bite down on my tongue as I stumbled back from the impact, my hand covering my jaw. I tried to hold myself from dropping down to the floor but I ended up crashing down as I tried to hold on to something to steady myself.

Tears stung my eyes instantly and the next thing I knew, big arms were grabbing me and throwing me over broad shoulders.

I screamed hard, hoping a passerby would hear and come for my rescue or better still, call the police.

I knew deep down that I’d just digged my own grave.

Logan would never let me live after this.

He was going to kill me.

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