Stealing the Heart of Mr. Steele

Chapter 139


When my parents told me that Atlas had agreed to have our little engagement party, I was over the moon. Finally, something is going my way.

In appreciation and apology, I decided to stop by Steele Industries with some homemade jam and scones, along with some high-end loose-leaf tea that I know he likes. Putting on a pretty cashmere sweater dress edged in fur from the latest Paris line, I make myself look as pretty as I can for him. When Atlas looks at me, I want him to see the girl he once saw 5 years ago, the girl he fell hopelessly in love with.

I need him to see me that way. For my sake as well as Cordelia's. If Sydney gets involved, Magnus will have no use for me and I won't be able to keep my sister from getting involved. The further away from Magnus I can keep her, the better.

Cordelia has always been sheltered from the worst in life. As the little sister, she was protected. She's never had to deal with a dangerous viper like Magnus.

She has no idea what a man like him is capable of.

When I got to the office, I soon discovered that Atlas wasn't there. According to the security guard, who still calls me Mrs. Steele, he hasn't been in for three days. Playing the part of the confused housewife, I asked if he had called in sick. "I've been away for my health, you see, and just came into town. I was hoping to catch him here in the office."

He gave me that sad look, one that men give you when they are sure you're being cheated on but they don't have the heart to tell you. "I'm sure he's just at home resting," he smiles softly. "But if he calls in I'll let him know that you stopped by." Thanking him, I head to the Steele family estate.

The drive up the twisty, windy road was refreshing. It was unseasonably warm for November, and I soon realized I was overdressed. A sun dress would have been better than this itchy, wooly cashmere dress. As I feel the sweat dripping down my breasts I wonder if there is a change of clothes left in my room.

The grounds were quiet. Atlas' main car, the BMW, was not in the driveway. Maybe it was in the shop getting repaired?

Pulling myself and the basket of treats out of the car, I march straight for the front door, my house key already in my hand.

I try the key. The door doesn't budge.

Maybe I got the wrong key.

Looking down at the keyring, I flip through the keys to make sure I'm using the one with the tiny red heart. Yes, this is the right key.

I try again.

April opens the door. "Miss Angelica!" She hugs me enthusiastically. "I missed you!"

"April," I scrunch my brows as I hold up the key that no longer works on this lock. "Something seems to be wrong with my key. Is the lock broken?"

Her face falls. Pulling away, she looks at her feet, embarrassed and ashamed as she says, "No, Miss Angelica. The locks were changed three days ago." "Three days..." My mouth falls open slowly as I begin to make a connection. Did Atlas agree to our engagement only to run away to avoid it? Oh God! No, that can't be it. I'm sure it is nothing nearly that serious. He's around here. Probably with Cordelia based on how I last found them.

Damn it, Atlas!

I ask to come in but April shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Miss but Mr. Steele was very clear this time. He told me that I am to not let you into this house again without his direct permission." "But I do have his permission," I smile widely, holding my basket aloft. "See, I even brought him treats."

April gently takes the basket from my waiting hands and sighs. "I'll let Mr. Steele know you were here, and I'll make sure he gets his gift," she promises as she gently closes the door.

Zooming off in my car, I try to think

of all the places he could be hiding. He doesn't like the beach and only goes there reluctantly. He doesn't go to the gym--his trainer comes to the estate to help him plan his workouts. He doesn't do his own grocery shopping.

Maybe he's at Clark's.

Thumbing through my phone, I look up Clark's address. It's a live-work building located just outside the business district. When I look it up on the phone directory, I see that it is also next door to the Mathilda Madison/Cordelia Louise workshop.

How convenient! If he isn't in one place he's in the other I can check them both.

It is easy to get into their building, I just smile nicely at a couple leaving and they let me pass right in without scanning a key. "Thank you!" I wave as head for the elevator.

Getting off on the third floor, I look for Clark's suite number and knock. Nobody answers so I keep knocking.

"CLARK~!" I yell as I continue to knock. "Are you in there?"noveldrama

Clark opens the door down the hall. "What are you doing?" he whisper-shouts. "Are you looking for me?"

Marching as fast as can in 3" pumps and a skin-tight sweater dress, I make my way over to the door. Clark has always been easy to manipulate, so I just blink at him with wide doe eyes. "You wouldn't happen to know where Atlas is, would you."

He looks apologetic, although a bit annoyed as he answers. "No, I don't."

"Clark, do I hear Angelica?"

An irate brunette takes her place next to Clark, wrapping her arm around his waist.

On her finger is one of his grandmother's rare, expensive rings.

"He isn't here," she growls. "Can't you just leave well enough alone? If he wants to see you, he'll find you!" Her pretty porcelain skin is flushing pink at the cheeks as her large, almond-shaped eyes scan me from top to bottom. "Aren't you hot in that?"

The door slams shut.

Sighing, I look down at the cashmere dress, the one that I thought looked so pretty this morning.

Feeling miserable, I walk out onto the sidewalk. Kicking off my heels, I leave them in the gutter.

What am I going to do? If Magnus finds out I'm done.

A set of strong arms pushes me to the side. Looking up, I catch a glimpse of silver-white hair and intelligent blue eyes.

Stumbling backward, I don't see the bus until it crashes into me.

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