Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave


Morgan pov.

"You bought that thing here?" Agness asks, getting up from her seat and looking at me like she's about to murder me. Huh, who would have thought the way to get her riled up would be to bring a potentially dangerous hybrid to their safe house.

"At least I'm not lying about it." I mutter, turning to Luca. "I need you to take me to your control room. Benjamin, since you seem to love poking around in people's brains, think you can give me a hand?" I point to the hybrid and the vampire sighs, shaking his head as he gets up from his chair.

"You know, little one, at some point you're going to have to trust us." He tells me and my stomach revolts at the thought.

"I'd rather die." I mutter, motioning for Luca to show me the way.noveldrama

"I'm going to spend some time with River." Rain mutters, giving me a kiss that makes my insides melts and a cheeky grin before abandoning me for his sister. I watch as he plops down next to her on the couch and ruffles her hair, almost expecting the same protectiveness of this morning to come over me but it's not there. Just fondness as I watch the two start whispering to each other.

"You ready?" I nod, following Luca out of the room. We make our way down several hallways before we get to the control room. I pull out my flash-drive and plug it into the computer. "You know, it's great that you've grown into yourself or whatever it is that happened to you, but you don't need to a bitch about it." I ignore the Fairie as I install Bing into the server. "Morgan."

"I heard you, Luca." The Fairie raises his eyebrows at me. "Do you know who your parents are?"

"My parents are dead." He gives me a straight face and I sigh, pushing back from the computer to join him on the couches in the corner.

"That's not what I asked. I am sorry but do you know who they are?" Fairies die only through sickness or murder. There's no old age for these suckers. Well, I guess for all of the supernatural world. Maybe that's why humans like Sinclair are so afraid of them. Of us....

"Yes, I know who my parents are." He sighs and I nod.

"And you have no doubt about it. Haven't lived some couple hundred years only to find out your real father has been alive most of your life?" Silence stretches over us until he shakes his head. "I'm happy for you. You'll never know what it is to find out your entire life is a lie. To meet someone by chance and come to know they are the single most important thing you need in life, and it was taken away from you. Choices you never got to make, a life you don't have to learn to re-live your life. I have magic flowing through my body and it makes me feel like I'm unstable all the time. I have a sentinel just there, under my skin, inside of me, a part of every breath I take. An Imprint I'm worrying about more than ever because suddenly he means so much more than just someone, I want close. I have to protect him, and I'm surrounded by people who keep lying to me around every corner. So, forgive me if I'm being a bitch. I'm not going to stop being one to make things more bearable for you so you can stop feeling bad about all the shit you've been planning behind my back, using me as a pawn in your game. So, you can either play it with me, and keep your comments to yourself or you can go back to the common room and bitch about me with Agness and Iris. I'm sure I don't need a babysitter anymore." Silence stretch between us and I eventually get up to finish uploading Bing into the mainframe.

"I was hoping we could be friends." He says as I start keying in the vital codes Bing needs to function properly, making note of where I can improve the system as I go.

"I thought we were until you broke my trust." He sighs, hovering over to me until he's perched on the desk next where I'm working.

"I couldn't tell you. As much as I wanted to, there was still a chance we were wrong about everything, and it didn't make sense putting your life in danger for nothing." I lean back in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest. "From what I've gathered my life has been in danger since the moment I was born." I tell him, my voice soft. "I don't think there is anything you could have done to put it in any more danger than it already was. Besides, my mouth got me in more trouble than this war ever could. Hell, it started a few wars itself." He chuckles and I join him.

"Is your magic really that unstable?" He asks after our laughter has died down into comfortable silence. I turn my head from side to side a couple of times, debating the answer.

"Yes, in the sense that I'm not used to it and I'm afraid I might hurt someone accidentally." I stare at his wings, and he gives me a soft smile. "No, in the sense that Casey has a pretty good hold on it and since she's basically me, I don't have to worry about my concerns. It feels like all my emotions are heightened and a strange part of me feels dullness, like there's nothing there." I rub my chest, wondering if Rain can feel that part of me through the bond.

"Maybe you should talk to Magnus about it." I roll my eyes and Luca chuckles. "I know you're not his biggest fan but it's not like you have any other options. He knows how you're supposed to function. He's been doing it by himself for decades. You don't have to act like he's the father you've been waiting for all your life. You just have to learn from him." I bite my lip, knowing he's not wrong but I don't have to do it right this minute, or even today, so I just nod and continue punching in Bing's codes until he's fully functioning.

"Good morning, Morgan. How can I be of assistance?" His deep familiar voice comes through the system, and I smile.

"Bing, I need you to go into standby mode and allow cleaning software to run through your system." I direct. "Certainly, going on standby." A big clock comes onto the screen, and I run my cleaning software on him.

"What are you doing?" The Fairie asks, watching as random pieces of code flashes across the screen as Bing gets scanned.

"I need to make sure there's nothing hidden in him that isn't my code. It's always a risk plugging a computer program into your system, but this is one we're going to have to take." He nods and we sit, in comfortable silence as the software runs through all Bing's code, both hoping no surprises jump up or else we'll be truly and thoroughly fucked before we even begin.

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