Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave


Morgan pov.

There is a valid point to be considered, that your life is never quite as good as it can get but also never quite as shitty. It's what has kept the world form moving forward up until now. It's the thought basis for every good idea and also for every bad one. The very essence of what keeps us from thinking we're somehow the biggest fuck ups in history. The truth being that in a day, week, month, year, a bigger fuck up will come along and no one will even remember you. It's this very point that makes me thought process justifiable. That places me in the middle of the Bio-Glaze, strutting my way into Glaze-Protect like there isn't a bounty on my head.

I'd considered not doing this but that wasn't really an option. Sinclair may mess with her own life as much as she wants by trying to kill her own son and fuck her way through men's beds to keep herself relevant, but she can't mess with my life. I should have taken her head clean of her head when she kidnapped Rain, but I guess this is where it's considered that she perhaps didn't think her life can get any shittier than it already has. I don't miss the wide eyes of the people I pass, all of them likely thinking I died, or perhaps it's the silver hair that poses the bigger shock for them. After all, humans have been known to appear in public after they've been announced dead.

I blink myself up to the programming floor, not having the patience to take an elevator, and that will give Luca time to find me and the last thing I need right now is for that Fairie to find me before I knock Sinclair's head clean off her shoulders. I walk straight through the door of her open office, amused at the way she jumps up from the desk, fear shining in her eyes before her mask of fake bravado falls in place, a more creepy than intimidating smile appearing on her face. "I was wondering when you'd show up here." She crosses her arms over her chest, showing me just how insecure she is when her shoulders droop slightly before she remembers to lift them. She's not the real person in charge but she'll do for


"Where is my sister?" I should have had Luca bring her to me the moment I found out we were only half-related. Should have pulled my head out of my own ass and thought about the danger she might be in but since it's too late for that now, I'll bring her to me by force or by surrender. Either way, it's going to leave a mark.

"She's... occupied." Sinclair muses, real mirth shining in her cold blue orbs. Mirth that goes away as soon as I lift her in the air. She gasps as I fling her across the room, stopping her a hair withs space from hitting the wall and blasting her brains out. "You're..." Her voice dries up as I use my magic to shut her up.

"I'm going to ask you this one more time, be aware that your life depends on the answer you give me. Where the fuck is my sister?" I keep her silent for a few seconds longer, finding pleasure in seeing the panic build up in her entire body as she tries to work around my magic to speak.

"Basement." She barely gets out before I'm blinking both of us there. We keep outdated documents, old books and busted servers down here. So, when I find Torren, or what was once my sister holed up in a cage that look like it was made for a dog, I almost lose my shit, but killing Sinclair won't do me or anyone any good now.

"You wanted a war, right?" I look over at her, my magic keeping her as stiff as a board. "Well, this is me officially starting it." I blink both Sinclair and my sister back to the library where I know Benjamin is. The vampire gives me a look you give a child who refuses to listen, looking tired at my antics. "I bought you a fresh blood supply if you want it, though, the last time I checked whore wasn't your favourite taste." Sinclair at least has the nerve to look scared as I leave her with the ancient grandpa and blink my sister into the medical room where Kyle flutters over to us the moment he sees me.

"I thought Ragna was out looking for her?" He asks as he starts checking her over, tapping at her veins and inserting IV drips with the help of his magic.

"Ragna was taking too long. I went straight to the source." I stare down at Torren, running my fingers gently over the intricate tattoo's decorating her sleeve. I have no idea how long they've kept her down there, but I know she won't be happy when she wakes up. I'm almost temped to leave Sinclair for her but that bitch is mine.

"You were out for two days and the first thing you do when you wake up is go and find your sister? Did you even eat something?" I shake my head; he should at least be happy I remembered to take a shower and get dressed in something other than the nightgown Rain put me in.

"Where is Luca?" Like always the Fairie appears as soon as I say his name, his eyes zeroing in on an unconscious Torren.

"What did you do?"

"Declared war." Benjamin mutters as he speeds into the room with an unconscious Sinclair.noveldrama

"Morgan! We had a plan!" Luca looks murderous but I can deal with his tantrum.

"I'm sick of your plans. Your plans had me spend my whole life not knowing who I was. Your plans nearly put Rain in the same position Ragna was in, slowly being killed. Your plans got me thrown into a prism because your leader is a whiny little brat. Your plans almost got my sister killed. So, if declaring war is what it takes to get you to realize I'm done with you fucking up my life, then let's go to war." We have a stare down, Luca trying to get me to back down, but I don't think he realizes that there's a very short list of people I care about at this moment, and he doesn't make the cut. If he stands in my way of keeping the ones I love safe, then I'll take him out and cry about it later.

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