The Accidental Wife (Emily and Julian)

Chapter 157

"Will you marry me?"

I can't believe what I have just heard. This proposal is totally out of the blue. I know that Silas is in love with me and I'm equally in love with him, but I didn't expect him to propose to me this soon.

Things have been moving fast between us and every part of me wants to say yes, because I know that Silas is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. We have been through a lot in a short period of time, yet I believe that all that we have experienced has strengthened us and made our love stronger.

"Yes," I gush as tears cascade down my checks. A mesmerizing smile takes over his lips and I swear, I can see how relieved he now looks. I had a feeling that he had been unnecessarily nervous today, but now I know why. I would be nervous too if I were in his shoes. I extend my shaky hand and he gently pushes a beautiful ring onto my ring finger. I haven't even paid attention to how gorgeous the ring is until it is on my finger, because I'm busy thinking about how crazy we both are. I'm not even twenty yet, but here we are taking a huge step in our relationship. I know that we are ready for it though.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my gorgeous Rosie." He closes the space between us and wraps his arms around me as he kisses my lips. Despite being in June, the weather is absolutely magnificent. It's not scorching hot or humid like how it usually is in Summer. There is a soft breeze that keeps blowing, making the weather enjoyable.

His hands fall to my waist and I smile through our kiss. Neither of us wants to let go. I want to keep this memory carved in my heart forever. Everything about this moment is simply perfect; the orange, purple and pink hues of the sunset behind us, the cool breeze that keeps messing with my low ponytail and the way he is holding me like he is never ready to let go

I want to savour each and every second of this day. Part of me is certain that we're going to make a lot of beautiful memories through the years, but I'm sure that this one is just like no other. We have been together for long and we have kissed millions of times before, yet each time is full of sparks and butterflies fly in my stomach like the first time.

We are so lost in the moment and I'm loving everything about it It's like we're the only people on the planet and nothing can harm us or take the magical feeling of this moment away from us.

"I have a question," I say with a smile as we pull apart.

"What is it?" he wonders, playing with my hair.



"Do my parents know or are we gonna drop the bomb on them? I can't help but ask.

He sits down and gently pulls me with him, letting me sit on his lap. "I think we need to establish the fact that Julian will cut my head if he finds out I have proposed to his daughter without asking for his permission first." I laugh at what he says, but I know that it's true. Dad won't simply accept the idea of my marriage that easily let alone without his blessing first, but this is Silas we're talking about. He loves Silas and considers him his son.

"What was their reaction?" I wrap one arm around his neck and let my body fall between his legs and I rest my his leg. I'm so curious about how they reacted upon hearing about the proposal.

back against

"Well... At first, they were hesitant given the fact that you're not even twenty yet. You're going to be twenty in three months, but that's not the point. They can never see you as a grown-up. Anyway, I did my best to convince them, telling them that I already love you and you love me, so there was no point in waiting. They agreed after making me promise them that I will take good care of you. Oh, and they don't want us to get married before you graduate," he fills me in about his meeting with my parents.

That sounds reasonable. I want to get married after graduation too." I cannot imagine myself being busy with wedding preparations while fussing over my finals and all the designs I'm supposed to get done in such a short time.

"Is it too early to think about our dream wedding?" Silas grins, making me laugh. I think I have never seen a guy as excited as Silas about discussing wedding preparations.


"I sincerely hope that we can be on the same page," I say with a wide smile on my face. "Do you want a big wedding?"

"Big enough for our family and friends," he replies and I nod, agreeing with his answer.

"Indoor wedding or outdoor wedding? And which time of the year?" I throw more questions at him. I'm enjoying this so much!

"Outdoor weddings are the best!" he exclaims. I love that we have the same mindset. "I know that you love Fall, so maybe October can be good," he suggests. It's true. I love Fall so much. cannot imagine myself moving freely and dancing around at an outdoor wedding in Summer because I hate how sweaty I get. I also don't want to freeze to death in Winter, so Fall and Spring are the best.

"Spring can be nice too," I suggest, keeping our options open a bit.

"Do you like the ring, cupcake?" Silas asks after spending more than ten minutes talking about wedding preferences as if we're getting married in a month.

"I love it!" I beam, flexing my hand, admiring the stunning oval diamond on my finger. On each side, there's a way smaller diamond compared to the size of the main one. The band itself is plain and gold. I'm in love with it.

"How did you know my size?" I tilt my head as my fingers play with his soft hair.

"I stole one of your rings," he admits, making me giggle. "I chose one of your favourites to make sure that it's something you wear a lot."

"Wait a minute! Did you take the one with the emerald stone? Is that why it disappeared for two days, then it suddenly resurfaced in my jewellery box?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I thought I wouldn't get caught," he mutters and I playfully punch his shoulder.

"You were looking for it with me!" I exclaim and he just gives me a cheeky grin.

"I just wanted to get my girl the perfect size. Can you blame me he dramatically says, making me roll my eyes at him.

"You're lucky I love you," I whisper as I lean in and kiss him on the lips. He doesn't waste the chance and immediately starts kissing me back. In one swift motion, he twists my body and lays me down on the grass before he brings himself on top of me without crushing my body with the weight of his own body. It doesn't take a lot of time for our kiss to turn into something more.

This day is beautiful in every possible way and I know that until my last day on earth, I will remember it and smile.

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