The Lycan King’s Hybrid Queen

Chapter 22


I saw the arrow flying through the air before I could stop it. I was six feet away from Lyric, my Lycan pushing me to get to my mate. I would have taken that arrow for her, but I wasn't quick enough, and it hit her straight in the chest. I catch her in my arms as she falls. "Oh, f.uck. Lyric, keep your eyes open, baby, please."

"Tha..." She's trying to say my name but coughs up blood, and my heart sinks.

"Don't you dare leave me, Lyric." I press a kiss on her clammy head. "I love you."

"Thane," I look at my brother, Tyler, as he crouches beside me. "It came down so fast I couldn't stop it., I didn't even see it until it was too late. I've sent guards to look for the shooter."

I don't answer him; I lift Lyric into my arms as gently as possible. The arrow still sticks out of her chest, so I must move carefully. I could lose her any second, especially if I jolt that thing. 'We are not going to lose her!'

'She has an arrow through her chest, Jagger! It's so close to her heart; I'm not sure it hasn't pierced it!'

'I can see that! Just get her to the infirmary!'

I cut Jagger off because I don't have time for his shit. Goddess, I don't know what the fuck happened. One minute, I'm watching Lyric from my position behind a tree, talking to my brother; the next, she's dying in my fucking arms! I didn't even know Tyler was home; he hadn't mind linked to let me know he was back. I wouldn't have known until he walked into the castle if I hadn't seen him approaching Lyric. That could have been any time, knowing Tyler. "Do you know this girl?"

I don't look at Tyler as he walks beside me. Running would get to the infirmary much faster, but I'm scared I'll injure Lyric further if I do. Though I'm walking with purpose, much quicker than a human would, I'm worried we won't make it in time. "She's my mate," I answer.

"Wow, I see. You could have let me know you'd found your mate, Thane."

"I would have if you ever called home."

When Tyler is away, he rarely calls to let us know how he's doing. I don't know how many times I've told the man to keep in touch. But he only does so when it's of importance.

"Did you know she was the white wolf?"

I didn't know that before today because I hadn't seen Lyric shift. When I chased after her earlier, I was shocked to see her wolf's coloring. There are many tales of the white wolf and many people who want her for their own. The white wolf apparently brings good luck and has many powers and abilities most would love to utilize. She'd be the jewel in anyone's crown, the winner in any war.

I have to keep this to myself for as long as I can. Tyler won't say anything either; I'll make sure of that.

"Yes, and keep it to yourself, Tyler."

He huffs but doesn't answer.

I walk faster, finally reaching the castle. I'm fucking terrified that speedwalking has caused Lyric more damage. Her eyes are closed, and she's fucking gray.

'We're losing her!'

'I know, Jagger!'


Great, that's all I need right now, Lyric's sister and her histrionics.

'Theo, remove your mate.

Harmony is now screaming and shouting about removing the arrow from Lyric's chest. Anybody would think Harmony wanted Lyric dead! Removing the arrow without medical assistance will kill my mate!

I ignore the stupid and finally reach the infirmary. I lay Lyric down, and the doctors rush around the room, working on saving Lyric's life. They better save her!

"My King, you really need to wait outside. We need the room to work on Lyric."

I growl loudly enough to shake the room.

Who the hell does Dale think he is to tell me to leave?

"Thane!" Tyler grabs my arm. "Calm down. Think of your mate, she needs help, and Dale needs to do his job."

I know Tyler is right, but Jagger wants to be by Lyric's side, and so do I. It's our natural instinct to protect our mate, but we failed.

Lyric had only run a mile or so. I followed but stayed back, allowing her a few minutes to clear her head. Maybe if I hadn't, none of this would have happened.

Reluctantly, I follow Tyler to the waiting room; my heart is pounding the entire time. I have to keep it together, but I can feel myself about to lose it. Lyric and I haven't marked one another, but our bond is strong. I can feel the bond flickering; Lyric's light is going out, she's dying, and I can do nothing to stop it.

"My wee boy!" I let my mother hug me in a daze, but I don't hug her back. I don't know what she's doing here, but I guess Tyler mind-linked her.

I can't think straight, and I don't feel like I'm here. My mind is on nothing but Lyric, her smile, her strength, and her fears. We haven't known each other long enough, and now I'll never get to know the amazing woman she was. 'She's not dead, Thane!'

'Yet.' I mumble quietly, causing Jagger to whimper.

When a Lycan loses his mate to death, he'll either allow the mate bond to take him or it will weaken him for a hundred years. Death is usually for those who have marked their mate. I haven't, plus I'm the highest-ranking Lycan there is, so death probably won't take me. That's not to say losing Lyric won't destroy me. I already love her more than I could say.

How the hell would she survive an arrow through the chest?

Who the fuck even fired the damn thing?


"Yes, big brother. I'm right here."

I drag my eyes away from the floor and look at him. "Did you order the guards to look for the shooter?"

"Yes, I told you before."

He did?

I don't remember what he told me before. My mind is all over the place.

"Our best is out there now looking. They'll get back to me as soon as they have any information. I've ordered everyone to go through me or Theo. You need to be with Lyric, so royal duties can wait."

I don't have the energy to answer him, so I nod my head.

Tyler is one of if not my best warrior. If there's anyone I trust more than Tyler besides Theo and Blaze, I've never met them.

"Has the doctor said anything?"

I'm not sure who my mother is talking to, but I don't answer her. I can't seem to bring myself to speak. All I can do is pray repeatedly that my mate comes through this. Goddess knows I would do anything asked of me if only Lyric wakes up. 'Lyric, if you can hear me, hang on, baby. Please don't let go; I just found you and can't lose you now. I love you, by Fenrir, I love you!

I close my eyes and lean my head back against the wall behind me.noveldrama

How did it come to this?

Who would even want to hurt Lyric?

Hardly anyone here even knows Lyric, and I had yet to introduce her officially. Lyric should be celebrating with Harmony. We should be throwing a party for my brother and his mate for their mating and pregnancy. Lyric should be choosing her coronation dress, and my mother should be helping her learn all that's required of a Queen.

We're supposed to be organizing a huge celebration and touring the city so our people can meet Lyric before she's crowned. Goddess, there are so many things we're supposed to be doing right now.

"Thane," I open my eyes when Theo says my name. His mate heads towards the door leading to Lyric's room.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Harmony can't go in there while the doctors are still working on my mate.

"I need to see my sister..."

"NO!" I bellow, startling the girl and stopping her from entering that room. "You've done enough for one day. Get the fuck away from that door!"

"But I..."

"No," I push off the wall and stalk towards her. "You're going nowhere near Lyric. You made it damn clear that you didn't give a about her when you told her to go to Astro!"

Harmony sobs while Theo wraps his arm around her shoulders. He shoots me a look of disgust, but I bare my fangs, shocking him. I don't care who he is; I'm on a knife's edge here. Anything could tip me over it, and Jagger is scratching in my mind, desperate to go on a killing spree. "She's my sister. I love her, and I didn't mean what I said."

"I don't give a! You," I point to Theo. "Get your mate the fuck out of here before I do something I won't regret!"

'You would regret it, and so would I, especially if Lyric lives!

'She will live...

'Thane, I'm sorry!' Comes the broken whisper of my mate through the mate bond.

Then I feel the mate bond crack even further. I rub my chest with my fist. Pain, as I've never felt, rips through me. Someone grabs my arm, but my eyes are stinging, so I can't see who it is.

Dale walks out of the double door, which hides my mate within, pulling at his hair. "King Thane,"

"Where's Lyric? How is she?"

"We've worked really hard to save her. We had to break the arrow carefully so we could work on Lyric. However, we couldn't remove it fully; the arrowhead was buried too deep. I feared removing it without surgery would kill Lyric. Sadly, not removing it would do the same thing."

"So you're going to remove it?"

Dale sighs, and I narrow my eyes.

What is he not telling me?

"The arrowhead is solid silver, and the poison has flooded Lyric's system. We tried to counteract the effects while prepping Lyric for surgery,"

"Get to the point!" I yell, scared of what Dale is trying to tell me.

Sadness fills his eyes as he admits, "I'm sorry, my King, but Lyric has passed away."

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