The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter 27- When Flesh Became Fur


Maddy and I clung to each other desperately.

We watched as the two packs went to war; each of us holding our breath for our loved


Flesh became fur as pack members shifted into their wolves. The sound of snarls, yelps, howls, and growling filled the nighttime air.

In a matter of seconds, the strong, metallic aroma of blood could be smelt.

I helped Maddy sit against a tree, her trembling figure showing the emotional loss of her father.

Stepping forward towards the fight, I prepared myself to shift but in a flash of tan skin and blonde tufts of hair Bates had my arm in a firm grip and began tugging me away. "I need to get you to the safe house," he said panting.

I ripped my arm from his grasp.

"No! My first act as Luna is not going to be myself running away from my pack when it needs me most," I growled. I planted my feet firmly in the soil.

"Listen, I don't have time to deal with your courageous speeches right now. I have orders from my Alpha to escort you to the safe house. Now we can do this the easy way or we can do this your way. Either way you choose, I'm still going to win," Bates said.

He stepped forward determinedly, his toes touching mine. He was at least four or five inches taller than me.

I gulped.

"I need to get back to that fight and the more time you stand here trying to be

stubborn, the more wolves are going to be maimed and killed. Stop being selfish and follow me," Bates growled.

I almost began to follow him but I stopped.

"I can't leave Maddy here," I said.

"Then we'll bring her with-"

He stopped.

We both turned to look at where Maddy had been previously. She wasn't there.

She being was held in the arms of the Gamma. Blaine.

They stared at each other as if it were love at first sight. I'd never seen her eyes twinkle the way they did then.

They were mates...

"Okay, that's disgusting..." Bates snorted.

I rolled my eyes.

"You'll understand one day," I sighed.

"That day is not today," he said. "I've got to get you out of here."noveldrama

"But what about-"

"She's fine with him! Come on!" Bates shouted.

I took one last look at the new couple before I ran behind Bates, my steps lining up with his.

We ran for several minutes, the sound of the battle now being just a background noise to the crickets and the owls.

I could see the edge of the woods when I heard a howl come from less than one

hundred yards away from us.

Immediately, Bates had me pinned against an oak tree.

He cursed under his breath.

"I think they can smell your scent. They're probably tracking you," he informed me in a hushed tone.

"Why would they be doing that?" I whispered.

"You're the whole reason we're fighting. They know they can't fight against us for long

so they'll try and get you and just flee to avoid losing too many of their fighters."

I could see him thinking hard for a moment before he looked at me.

"Don't think anything of this, I know I'm going to probably get killed for this but I

promise it's under good intentions," he said quickly.

He brushed the hair from my face before leaning in.

Bates kissed me.

I tried to push him away but he took my wrists in his hands and kept me from pounding on his chest.

He pulled away and I could do nothing but stare at him with wide eyes.

"Like I said, don't think anything of that."

He turned away from me and tugged me along, out of the woods and across a large field.

We came to a small log cabin, hidden in the bushes and behind a wall of oak trees.

It took Bates several tries to open the door. It finally swung open and he stepped in with me following.

He flipped a switch on the wall and light flooded into all four corners of the one-room cabin.

Bates turned to face me and I raised my hand. The sound of me slapping him rang out. "Ow," he said.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I shouted.

"I was covering your scent with mine. If they were tracking your scent I helped cover it.

You're welcome," he said sarcastically.

I just groaned and face palmed.

"You know Luca is going to kill you," I said.

"Luca's not going to find out," he said with a threatening glare.

I glared back.

"How are you doing?" Bates asked looking at my stomach.

I just shook my head.

"Is there no morning-after pill I can take or something?" I asked frantically.

"Um... no. That stuff doesn't work on Lycans," he said.

"What do you mean? Why not?"

He shrugged.

"Lycan's fetus developer faster than humans. If you are pregnant, it's likely there is

already a heartbeat," he said.

I sunk to my knees and put my face in my hands.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"Name him Bates jr." Bates grinned.

I glared.

"I gotta go, you stay here," he said.

He left me in the cabin.

I heard a click and abruptly stood to my feet. I ran to the door and wiggled the handle.

It wouldn't budge.

"Did you seriously lock me in here?!" I shouted in frustration.

"Sorry, babe. I don't trust you that much!" Bates yelled back.

I heard the faint crunching of leaves as he ran away from me and back towards my

fighting pack.

I shouted again in frustration.

Grabbing the wooden rafters abound my head, I shifted my weight so I was hanging.

I swung my body and kicked the door with both my feet.

I didn't even crack.

I tried again.

And again. And again.

Still, the door wouldn't budge.

I groaned in frustration. I'd kicked down a door before, why was this one so different?

I fell to the ground and immediately stood up.

Trying to remember what exactly Luca had done just an hour or so before, I rolled my shoulders forward and ducked my head down.

I drove my body, full-force, into the door.

Grunting when I found myself lying on the floor, I realized my body had done nothing

to the door but bounce off of it.

Suddenly, the light above me flickered.

I quickly stood to my feet, only to come face to face with my father when the light

flickered back on, his pale face was staring right back at me.

I screamed.

Stumbling backwards, I landed on my butt when I tripped over my feet.

He leaned down and picked me up under my shoulders, like he did when I was a toddler.

"Let go of me!" I screeched.

I backed myself into a corner and folded my arms, wishing I had my Luca here with me. "Seriously? Is it because of that little show?" He asked pointing to the light that was now glowing without failure. "You know I can't help myself when it comes to theatrics."

I wanted to slap the stupid smirk off his face, harder than I had slapped Bates; much harder.

"Are you ready to begin the journey back home?" He asked.

I glared at him.

"I'm not leaving. I am staying here, with my pack and with my mate," I said, holding my

chin high.

"Your mate," my father scoffed. "You don't love that man."

"Yes I do! I am mated to him!" I argued back.

"Oh so you just kissed his Beta for the fun of it?!" My father countered.

"He kissed me!" I defended.

My father just shook his head.

My father walked towards me and I came out of the corner and walked around him. I

was now vulnerably standing in the middle of the cabin with him pacing circles around me; like a vulture to its prey.

"What's this I hear from the Beta about a pregnancy?" He asked.

My heart stopped.

My stomach sank to the floor.

"N-nothing." It was all I could manage to stutter out.

I felt a searing hot pain across my cheek as I fell to the ground from the blow.

"What have I told you about lying to me?!" My father roared.

I cowered back.

He stepped on my ankle causing me to cry out in pain.

"If it's nothing, then why am I hearing three heartbeats instead of just two?" He asked.

My eyes widened and he smirked.

"So it isn't just a rumor, is it?" He asked. "You are pregnant."

I shook my head vigorously but he just growled.

Sinking to his knees, he placed a calloused palm to my stomach.

"Well we just can't have that can we?"

A white, hot pain spread in my stomach as I felt sparks of electricity shoot through my


I screamed in pain until his hand lifted off my stomach, however my whimpers and crying didn't cease.

My whole body felt completely numb as I lay on the dirty floor of the cabin in a mangled mess.

"There, now that that is all taken care of, I have another piece of Ronan vermin to get rid of-"

His sentence was cut short as the door to the cabin caved in and flew into his body, sending him flying against the wall.

Even in my pain I couldn't help but be jealous that Luca could kick in the door but I couldn't.

Luca stepped through the broken threshold, his half-naked body ready to charge at my father. Just before he got his chance, my father disappeared into thin air, literally. Luca's eyes wondered the cabin until the fell on me. I saw his body go rigid.

"Oh my God..."

"I am so sorry..."

"Are you okay..."

That was all I could here as Luca kneeled down and took my body in his arms.

He saw the tears in my eyes and he brushed my hair from my face.

"What hurts? Tell me what hurts?" Luca said.

I gulped and lifted a shaky hand to my chest, placing it over my heart.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What? I-I don't understand," he stuttered.

"I was pregnant."

My voice came out a strangled and scratchy whisper but he still heard me.

His face fell and I felt my heart stop.

I saw him blink a few times and his mouth moved like he was trying to form a


Luca let out a cry and fell forward. He caught himself with one hand while holding

onto me tightly with the other, unable to hold his own weight with the news.

He was shaking and I thought for sure he would shift until I heard him let out a chocked sob.

Luca was crying.

As if my heart wasn't broken enough, seeing Luca cry for the first time shattered me.

His tears fell on my t-shirt that he clung to tightly.

We laid there for a few moments as we both violently mourned the loss of our first

child, the child that had been murdered by its grandfather.

"We-we can't stay here," I choked. "We have to... we have to help them."

He let out another strangled sob as he stood to his feet and helped me stand to mine.

"I'm going to kill the bastard," he said with a clenched jaw.

His eyes were puffy and red and full of hatred.

"You have my full permission," I growled.

"Let's go get 'em then."

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