The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter Twenty-Five - An Alpha's Distrust-1

"Who sent the damn flowers?"

Adam was furious, Jace was annoyed, and I was scared out of my mind.

Liu sat beside me at the conference table and Jace stood on the other side of the room as Adam paced around it.

"The guards said they didn't see anyone enter the room. Whoever did it came in through the balcony doors," Jace said.

"Sorry about your house," Liu whispered to me.

She pushed the pictures of my old home in flames towards the center of the table.

"It's okay," I assured her. "I upgraded anyways."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence," Jace said to Adam.

Adam stopped pacing and glared at him.

"You think it's a coincidence?" he asked incredulously. "These flowers are not in season, so someone had to put a lot of effort into getting them here. They're the exact same color as the ones in the photo and there's seven of them just like in the photo."

"It's too much to be a coincidence," Liu said, agreeing with Adam.

She didn't seem to notice the glare that Jace shot her, but I did.

"Can we please focus?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. "If It isn't a coincidence, that means we have a lot of theorizing to do."

Adam placed his hands firmly on the top of the seat across from me.

"I agree."

We all thought about this for a few moments before Liu spoke up.

"Do tulips have any significance in your family?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"My mom's favorites are sunflowers. My dad on the other hand, well... I don't think he cares for anything living so I wouldn't say he has a favorite kind of flower."

"What about the color red?" Jace asked.

I shook my head and Adam sighed heavily.

"We'll keep thinking on it. For now, I want everyone to be cautious of anyone acting suspicious."

"It would have to have been someone outside of the meetings," I said.

"How do you mean?"

"You were in a meeting with all of these people when I went back to the room. The person who put them there must have gone during that time, when no one would have been walking the halls."

Liu shook her head. "No, because they were on a lunch break. However, if it was one of the Alphas or Betas, I doubt any of them would have had the guts to do it themselves. Even if we catch the person who put them there, we might not find out who wanted them there."

Adam nodded in agreement.

"Let's call it a night, but keep thinking on this. Let me know if you two come up with something or if you find anything new."

It was late. We had all met right after dinner that night because it was the first time Adam or Jace would have been able to meet due to the meetings they'd been in all day. Liu and I had managed to keep the flowers under wraps throughout the day, only telling Jace and Adam that evening.

Dinner was awkward. I avoided Diedrick like a disease and I was wary of everyone. I knew the possibility was great that I was standing in close quarters with the person who had put the tulips in Adam's room. I also knew it was a possibility that I was sleeping under the same roof as the person who likely had my house set on fire and who knew where my parents were.

It was weird to think that the two instances could be connected. It was even more horrifying, however, that the thing connecting the two instances was me and seven red tulips.

I didn't know of anyone in that castle that cared so little for me to go through the trouble of setting my house on fire, planting seven tulips in the mulch, and then putting tulips in Adam's room to scare me.

It was seemingly pointless, but it sent chills down my spine nonetheless.

Adam and I left Liu and Jace in the conference room and went back up to his bedroom. Once there, I watched him as he took the vase of tulips, opened the balcony doors, and threw them off the side of the ledge.

I was halfway thankful for this act of recklessness because it meant I didn't have to look at them any longer.

Walking into the bathroom, I shut the door behind me and sighed.

I walked over to the bathtub and turned on the hot water. Stripping out of my dress, I sat down in the bath and sighed. As the tub was filling up, I poured in the bubble bath and laid back to relax.

I could feel my body slowly beginning to settle down, but my head was still spinning and turning over the situation. I was so overwhelmed that when I started to cry, I wasn't in the least bit surprised by the tears. I just held my hand over my mouth, trying to be quiet. The last thing I wanted was for Adam to hear me and try to come in.

I didn't want to be comforted or to be told 'everything was going to be fine.' I wasn't an idiot, I knew everything wasn't fine.

I wanted to find my family and to be left alone by whoever was trying to mess with me. I wanted to fall in love with Adam like a normal person and not have to worry about the drama that surrounded me.

I sat in the bath until the water turned cold and my tears had dried up.

It wouldn't have surprised me to walk out of the bathroom and see Adam in the bed already asleep. It was past midnight and we were both mentally drained. However, when I came out of the bathroom, Adam was sitting on the couch, staring off into space.

When he heard me, he looked over and gave me tired smile.

"Feeling better?" he asked me.

I nodded and walked over to the wardrobe to get out something to sleep in. I changed and put the towel back into the bathroom as Adam walked in behind me and started the shower.

Undoing the bed, I slid underneath the covers and closed my eyes.

A few minutes later, Adam came out of the bathroom.

"Let's switch sides," he suggested, walking to my side of the bed.


"Because," he said. "I want to be near the balcony doors."

I groaned, having already gotten the sheets warm on my side. Adam laughed at this and put his arms under me and lifted me up to set me on his side of the bed. After he had done so, he climbed in the bed and pulled the covers over the both of us.

Adam found my hand underneath the sheets and entangled his fingers with mine. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my body against his chest.

"Get some sleep," he said.

"I can't."

Despite how tired I was, my mind was still reeling.

"I'll find whoever did this," he promised me. "Go to sleep."

After a few minutes had passed, I felt my mind slowly start to ease and, in the comfort of his arms, I finally fell asleep.

Adam was still in bed with me when I woke up the next morning.

I could hear his heavy breathing as I pulled his arms from around my waist. This was easier said than done. The man had a grip that would rival a toddler on their father's leg.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was still early in the morning. Adam's meetings wouldn't begin for a few more hours.

Looking at him, I could tell he had gotten little sleep last night. He had dark circles around his eyes. In fact, he was in such an exhaustive state of sleep, he was nearly snoring.

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest.noveldrama

I couldn't imagine the stress this probably put him under. He had so much to deal with already with the Centennial and Europe on the line. The added stress of the tulip's arrival was just the cherry on top.

I got out of the bed quietly and changed into comfortable clothes before brushing my teeth. After doing so, I called and asked for breakfast to be sent up to the room.

I had no sooner pulled the cart of food into the room when Adam sat up in the bed quickly hearing the door shut. He looked around before relaxing when he saw me pouring milk into my cereal.

"Why are you awake this early?" He asked. His voice was deep and husky from sleep.

"I couldn't sleep. Want breakfast?"

He got out of the bed. "I'm going to shower first."

Adam went into the bathroom and showered. He changed into slacks and a button-down and put on a tie to cover the now-purple bruise on his neck.

I had finished my cereal by the time he sat down and poured cereal into his own bowl.

"I don't want you to stay in here by yourself today," Adam said.

My eyebrows furrowed.

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