The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 8 I Hate This

-Nicholas’ POV-

“What do you want?”

Her question went right above my head for a moment. Instead, I was more focussed on just her presence. You could feel her strength and it was amazing.

However, I shook myself out of my daze and stood firm despite the number of people who were watching me. They didn’t like me, I could sense it. No one thought I belonged here and they weren’t completely wrong either. I’m a gang leader, I don’t belong in a place this disgusting. The smell of blood and alcohol consumed my nose, it didn’t match the image of the fighter in front of me. She stood with pride, honor, and strangely, beauty. Like a rose full of thorns.

“You’re joining my gang,” I command. I didn’t care about the title she had here, nor the people who will try to stop me, I will have her in my gang.

The room burst out laughing, however. For some reason, to them, I seemed like a joke. That made me angry but I wasn’t as bothered. They weren’t my goal. She was.

The said girl put her hand in the air which silenced everyone, demonstrating her power and it was effective. The room was quiet in anticipation of what she had to say, “alright guys, the joke wasn’t that funny.” She confirmed which gave me hope. Maybe this was going to be easier than I thought.

I was wrong.

She looked into my eyes and burst out laughing herself. My body temperature rose while watching her. I glare at her as she composes herself, admitting that it was funny after all in the process which made others chuckle with her.

“I wasn’t joking,” I warn but she just shrugs, “then my answer is no, have a smashing evening,” she replies casually which catches me off guard. She couldn’t just do that. She turned to close her door but I wasn’t going to give up without a fight.

I reach towards her shoulder with one hand while the other goes towards my gun. I had planned to hold it against her in order to force her to join but before I could reach the gun she took hold of my hand, twisted it, and pulled me over her shoulder in one swift movement. I crash onto the ground with a loud thud. I groan in pain when my back hits the ground. I also felt a weight on my chest so I open my eyes to see her knee keeping me down and then her hand comes and squeezes my neck. I was suffocating, my heart was panicking, my lungs felt as if they were going to collapse and not just because I was getting strangled.

Memories flooded my mind. NO. I had to forget, had to fight.

Yet, I didn’t have to fight. Before I did anything she let go on her own. When I was able to breathe I gasped for air but still laid their confused. Was it mercy?

“And he says there’d be no newbies in the competition,” she mutters and I would have argued if my neck wasn’t in so much pain. I coughed and held it, trying to ease it but it didn’t really work out.

Behind me, I could hear my gang running up to me, Jason helping me up.

“Make sure he doesn’t bother me again,” I hear The Mysterious Demon order which angers me even more. How dare she order around my gang? “This isn’t a place for a gang so good luck on not getting yourself killed,” she carries of darkly before closing the door, surrounding us with nothing but the cheers of her supporters.

There was something about her. Something. She humiliated me, belittled me. She was just like another girl I knew and I was infuriated. I couldn’t let this keep happening. Whether it’s Dominic or whether it’s this Demon, I will beat them at their games. I had to. I am stronger.noveldrama

“She got you badly dude,” Zack comments on my gashed back. I put my shirt back on and while replying, spitting venom, “I don’t give a fuck. I’m going to control her, to do that I need her in my gang no matter what.” I state “but she won’t want to see you anymore unless it’s in the ring so she can beat you up officially.” Jake says half laughing which makes me shake my head.

“We’ll surround her after the fights; she’ll be tired, injured, there will be five of us and one of her, there’s no way she’ll be able to escape us, she’s only a girl” I explained and most of them agreed but Blake argued. “but she’s the strongest girl in this country” I stared at him for a moment, not sure who’s side he was on at that moment but his eyes told me that he was just looking out for me, I nodded back, “We’ll just have to give it a go.”

Not long passed when it was time for the face-offs to begin.

We all sat together with the rest of the fighters while listening to the commentator and signing forms which have us agree to take responsibility for whatever damage we may receive. After signing these papers, there was no going back. But I wasn’t planning on going back. I was going to succeed here.

The Mysterious Demon and The Champ were the last ones to finally come out, making everyone stare at them. They ignored the stares though as if they were used to it. The Mysterious Demon did look our way for a short second but was quick to dismiss me, looking down on me again. I curled my fist and told myself ‘soon’.

Not long after The Mysterious Demon’s name was called onto the ring. It was her time now. When she was called, you could hear the amount of love she got here. The cheers were deafening. She was so respected, so appreciated.

‘Soon’ I told myself, ‘soon’.


Soon was now. I stood and with the support of my gang, I entered the ring. This was it. It was going to happen. A lot of people booed at my entrance but I didn’t give a shit. I just wanted to beat her.

I listened to the rules and scoffed at the ‘no weapons’ rule. I don’t need a weapon. Here, in front of everyone, I was going to humiliate her and take her title.

“Are you mocking me? Hands in your pockets and all?” I asked, trying to stay calm but failing. “It was you who got thrown on the floor earlier,” The crowd laughs at me but I was ready to retort. “I just wasn’t expecting it, especially from a girl.”

She suddenly stops which makes me tense, the crowd is quiet which seemed wrong. She told me to repeat myself so I smirked, I must have hit a nerve.

“Girls are weak. I let you off easy before but right. now, you will lose.”

I taunt confidently, I was right, I had to be. However, I hear whispering, something was definitely wrong, even the commentator whispered, “You shouldn’t’ve said that.” to me which worries me.

I watch as she clicks her body parts, letting me know she was going to start.

“You’re going to regret saying that bruv.”


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