The Raven and The Snake

Book 6: Part 31

Ron was still in the hospital wing when the Gryffindors had their next match. Luna had gotten the job of commentating which was truly hilarious. For the first several minutes of the game, Ariadne and Willa laughed hysterically as Luna pointed out cloud shapes and complimented her favorite people on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, quite uninterested with the score.

Every few minutes, Professor McGonagall - who was sitting next to Luna - had to reach across the girl to steal the mic and announce the scores herself. It was shaping up to be the most enjoyable game Ariadne had ever attended. Less than a half hour into the game, the Keeper that had taken Ron's place was making the game hellish on the other players. McLaggen wasn't a good Keeper or team player, but he seemed to be under the impression that he was suitable for all positions.

Rather than mind the goals, as was a Keeper's job, he became easily distracted by his need to boss around his fellow Gryffindors. Several times he neglected to even block one of the hoops due to his focus on telling the nearest player what they ought to be doing as though he were team captain and this was merely a practice.

Harry, who was the actual captain, kept having to abandon his search for the snitch to scold McLaggen who grew increasingly temperamental and worse at Keeping. His wildness and inability to take direction culminated in McLaggen stealing one of the Beater's bats to knock a bludger that went off course. Harry was hit by said bludger and plummeted from his broom.

The two beaters on his team were quite fortunately, fast flyers and were able to catch Harry between themselves. They lowered him to the ground where Ariadne and several teachers converged to gather the boy and take him to the hospital "wing.

Ariadne was glad that she could continue to at least listen to the game as she carried Harry up to the hospital wing on a conjured stretcher. Willa followed after her looking scandalized.

“Why is the game continuing? Shouldn't it be forfeit?” Willa asked.

Ariadne shook her head. "Strictly speaking, the Seeker isn't necessary to continue or win the game. The game only ends when someone catches the snitch so it will keep going until the Hufflepuff Seeker catches it. It's worth a lot of points, but Gryffindors still have a chance of winning as long as the game remains in play. A forfeit can only happen if both Seekers get knocked out or both team captains agree to end the game prematurely."

"So the Gryffindors might still win?" Willa asked skeptically.noveldrama

"With McLaggen as Keeper? Not a chance." Ariadne shrugged dismissively, dumping Harry on the bed next to Ron's.

They listened to the end of the game with Ron explaining in fuller detail to Willa how the game worked. Ariadne helped Madam Pomfrey wrap Harry's wounded head so it was properly cushioned even after the fractured skull had been healed. The progress was stunted every now and then when Luna said something particularly funny and they all broke out in giggles.

In the end, Gryffindors lost abysmally. Ariadne wouldn't have been at all surprised if the next person to turn up in the hospital wing was McLaggen himself. No doubt, he was now on the hitlist of half the Gryffindors.

This did not dampen Ariadne's spirits. Now that she and Snape had made up, she dove into her studies with a little more fervor. The mishaps, though still annoying, didn't discourage her to the same extent as before. She felt that she was definitely on the right track, but her own attempt at a Philospher's stone so far was remaining a resolute turquoise instead of the ruby red it was described to be when Nicholas Flemmel made his.

Ariadne made several magical incisions on her own skin, using the stone to heal herself. While it did work, the sample quickly degraded so that she was back to square one. It forced her to request several more visits with Fawkes as well as send out regular requests for more materials.

Her real break-through happened toward the end of April when Arogog unfortunately passed on. Hagrid was really broken up over it, but Horace Slughorn had been able to procure several vials of venom from the acromantula before it dried up. Ariadne was able to buy it from him at a reasonable discount owing to her being one of his favorite students.

Her sample didn't degrade after her first use of healing her own damaged flesh, but she would soon need to try it on something bigger.

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