The Raven and The Snake

Book 7: Part 10

She felt incredibly weird gazing over the students from the staff table. Ariadne sat stiffly, stroking Antigone's head as she rested against the table. She sat on her husband's immediate right. On his left were the Carrows, Alecto and Amycus. After them, a very unhappy McGonagall, Flitwick, and Professor Sprout.

On Ariadne's side were Madam Pomfrey, Horace Slughorn, Professor Vector, Professor Sinistra, and Professor Trelawney. Hagrid and Firenze had been moved to a more shadowed table, shuffled off to a corner along with Mr. Filch. The Sorting Hat had done a song, only briefly mentioning unity and the need for strength during these times, and laid on a little too thick the qualities of Slytherin House. Despite the mandate on school attendance, this was perhaps the year with the least first years, many having been sent away to the other wizarding schools at Ariadne's discretion.

Like his predecessor, Headmaster Snape did not give his speech until after the feast. He had merely welcomed the students and told them to eat in what seemed like an ominous order. The usual excitement had gone from the occasion though Ariadne was proud to see that many of the first-years were quickly shepherded by the elder students who seemed eager to protect.

Headmaster Snape rose from his seat, waving his wand and drawing the attention of everyone present. The entire room fell silent, students turning stiff expressions toward him. He looked grim, not at all like a man that had received a promotion.

"As you may have gathered, many great changes are happening not only at this school, but the entire wizarding world." Snape's voice was loud and clear, his black eyes sweeping over the students. "I am sure you will all do your best to embrace these changes with the utmost decorum. Aside from welcoming you, new students and returning, there have been additions to the staff. Professors Alecto Carrow and Amycus Carrow, will be teaching Muggle Studies and The Dark Arts respectively. All students will be expected to attend. As though are both deputy headmasters, you will all show them respect.

"This year, Educational Decree Number Twenty-Three will also be reinstated with my wife, Mrs. Ariadne Black as acting Hogwarts High Inquisitor. All further Educational Decrees made be either instated or created at her choosing. She has the full support of the Ministry and will be performing regular inspections to ensure that the adjustment period will be smooth."

Ariadne nodded stiffly to the students, not allowing anything to show on her face. From here, she could see looks of hurt and betrayal on several faces. Neville Longbottom looked as though someone had cast a freezing jinx on him, his mouth hanging open as though he'd wanted to shout. Not far off, Ginny was staring with her lips pressed tightly together.

The staff were all looking completely disgusted, excepting the two Carrows who sneered maliciously. Even with Madam Pomfrey beside her, Ariadne refused to look around at them. She wasn't sure how well she would be able to keep her composure under the watchful eyes of all the people that had had a hand in her education.

Headmaster Snape sent the students to bed on a somewhat gloomy note. Ariadne rose from her seat next to him. He held out his arm deftly, guiding her up to their new shared quarters, ignoring any questions or conversation that may be directed at them.

Unlike when Umbridge had been made Headmistress by the Ministry and been denied access to the Headmaster's study, Headmaster Snape did not have such problems. Upon greeting the new Headmaster and his wife, the gargoyle promptly leapt out of their way to allow the couple up to what had been Dumbledore's study.

Very few changes had been made to accommodate them. Hardly anything that had belonged to Dumbledore had been removed. Many of the items he'd had laid about the study were now neatly in places of honor behind glass. The only thing that had truly gone missing was the perch for Fawkes. Fawkes, the phoenix, had left the school grounds after the death of his former master. He was not expected to return.

Ariadne raised her eyes to the portraits of the Headmasters. It was a little unusual to see all of them awake. Antigone slid from Ariadne's shoulders, landing heavily on the stone floor, and slithering off to her nest. She was no more happy with this situation than they, even more irritable than usual as her brood had been sent away on their own missions.

Several of the former Headmasters watched the snake with apparent dislike. There were very few former Slytherins among them, owing to the fact that few Slytherins had the proper temperament to teach. Ariadne's own great - of about three times grandfather, Phineas Nigellus Black was one of the few and he gazed down his prominent nose at her.

The portrait directly behind the desk was the first one to greet them. "Everything is going well, I take it?"

Ariadne's eyes zeroed in on the previous Headmaster's brilliant blue ones. He smiled warmly to the couple, beckoning them closer. A lump was beginning to rise in Ariadne's throat.

She cast a sideways glance at Snape. His eyes were slightly pained. "Of course."noveldrama

Dumbledore offered them a kindly smile. "This year will be hard on everyone, Severus, but it does appear that you will not have to brave it alone."

Ariadne couldn't help but flush slightly. "I regret that you were unable to attend the... wedding."

She still had a hard time thinking about it as being 'her' wedding. She had been the bride, but she felt no more like a wife than she ever had. Her last name was remaining unchanged and while it made her heart flutter to hear others refer to her a "missus", it hardly seemed to mean much.

"Aw, yes, and with that, my great line has ended." Phineas Nigellus gave something like a groan of disappointment.

"Not entirely," Ariadne corrected softly. "I will not be relinquishing the name of Black just yet and The Dark Lord's daughter, Delphini, has been granted the last name of Black as there was no point in calling her Riddle."

Dumbledore's eyes became a little guarded. He gazed at her carefully, no doubt trying to see if this was really okay with her. She leaned a little closer to Snape, making it clear she'd made her choice.

Snape did not seem particularly encouraged by this conversation. "Neither the boy nor his friends, the Granger girl and the Weasley boy have returned. Weasley is said to be terribly ill with spattergroit." "Ugh." Several of the former headmasters wrinkled their noses in disgust.

Spattergroit was a particularly virulent fungus that caused horrible purple pustules to break out all over the afflicted. The result was quite unsightly, smelled awful, and made the afflicted almost completely unrecognizable.

There was no need to tell Dumbledore that this was, of course, a ruse set up by Weasley family to account for Ron's absence. He was most certainly with Harry and Hermione, attempting to finish the mission Dumbledore had assigned them. "For now, that is all there needs to be known about their situation. They will return when the time is right." Dumbledore nodded somberly.

Snape looked like he wanted to ask further questions, but held back, merely gazing imploringly at his former teacher and friend. Ariadne gave his hand a little squeeze. He turned his mournful eyes to her and she guided him gently toward the bedroom.

"Let's rest for now." She said softly to him, pulling him.

He frowned, but didn't argue. Following her into their room. She had never been in Dumbledore's room so she had no idea how much had been changed for them. The view was truly incredible though.

She tilted her head, looking through the tall windows to see out onto the quiet grounds. When the door had clicked shut behind them, she felt Snape's hand reach for her face.

He pressed a kiss to her which she returned affectionately. Dumbledore was right, he would not be alone.

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