The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 5

As soon as we got out the front of the school building Lexie was pissing herself laughing cause we could hear Lexie screaming as we were running down the hall, but we had to stop and act like everything was normal.

"Damn. I never would have thought of that. Not in a million years." She said.

"You think those other girls are going to tell?" I asked.

"No. They aren't friends with Izzy. They don't like her. They'll just say that they didn't see anything." Lexie said.

"You sound sure of that." I said.

"That's because I am. Don't worry about it. We're good." She said.

"Alright. I better get going. It's a bit of a hike back to my house." I said.

"Do you want a lift?" She asked, pointing to her car.

I was tempted but then I remembered what my house looked like and the image of Henry flashed in my head.

"No. I'm good. I like hiking, remember." I said.

"Of course." She said.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Yeah. You will. Hopefully we'll both be in one piece." She said. And I started laughing again as I walked across the carpark.

I walked towards the forest and disappeared into the trees.

I started looking around the forest at everything I could see and I was taking in the scenery as I was walking home.

I heard howling pretty close to me again and I knew that there was a wolf around here somewhere. So I grabbed my camera out of my bag and I was ready to take a photo as soon as I saw it. But it didn't seem to want to show itself. It just wanted to let me know that it's there.

It was really strange. I wanted to see the damn thing. I think wolves are beautiful animals. And bears. I know this place has bears as well. When the hell am I going to see them? They're gonna go into hibernation after summer so my window for seeing a few bears is closing.

I know that people probably think I'm crazy for wanting to see wildlife as wild as that, but after living with Henry and a lot of Evelyn's ex boyfriends, trust me, I can handle wolves and bears. They are more tame than what Evelyn has brought home in the past.

When I got back to the house I tried to be as quiet as possible. I opened the front door slowly and I crept inside.

I could hear Henry snoring on the couch and I let out a sigh of relief.

So I crept up the stairs and went to my room where I closed the door and locked it.

I sat on my bed and pulled all my books out and I got started on my homework straight away.

I wanted to hurry and get everything done before it got too late and when I was finally finished with all my homework for all my subjects, I got changed into a gray sweater, trackpants, socks and sand shoes and I walked out of my room.

According to the time Evelyn should be on her way home now but I didn't know if Henry was still passed out. So I tried to sneak down the stairs but they speaked so much that I heard him start to stir and then he yelled out my name.

I quickly got down the rest of the stairs and out the front door.

I jogged to the woods that were beside the house until I was far enough away and then I found the street that led to my house. It was a quiet and desolate area. We didn't have any neighbors on this side of town. I don't think anyone ever came out this way. I didn't blame them. The house that I lived in looked like it should be condemned so I wasn't surprised that there were no other houses around us. I'm sure that they have all just been torn down already.

I jogged into town and around the tiny little town until I got to the forest on the other side of town.

There's an obstacle course in that town that I had found just after we moved here. It was a military style obstacle course and it was in really good condition.

I've never seen anyone on it so I started using it.

It was a great work out and it was just what I needed to let out all of my aggression. And after today, that's exactly what I needed.

I did the course three times, before I realized how dark it was and I was going to start jogging home. But as I was just leaving the obstacle course I saw the triplets standing there watching me with another man.

I stopped when I saw them and I looked at them strangely. I didn't know what the f**k to think. How did they know that I was here?noveldrama

"Are you f*****g stalking me?" I asked. But Koda just smiled when I said that.

None of them said anything to me again and I just shook my head and jogged past them and headed back towards home.

There was definitely something off about those f*****g triplets.

They saw me today and already have some sort of unhealthy obsession with me. I hate it but they just seem to be everywhere that I am.

I know it's a small town and everything, but that's no excuse. I liked to be left alone. I've gotten used to it. So getting this sort of attention from guys is not something that I am used to getting. And it was really starting to piss me off and unnerve me and make me really suspicious of them.

It took a while to get back to the house and when I got there I saw Evelyn's car in the driveway.

I was glad that she was home because it meant that Henry was going to leave me alone. But at the same time, I didn't want to go inside because Evelyn was home.

I sat on the ground leaning up against a tree staring at the house for a while and I could hear Evelyn and Henry inside the house.

Evelyn started yelling at Henry because she worked all day and then she had to come home and cook dinner. All while he stayed at home drinking himself unconscious today.

He started yelling back at Evelyn with all of his excuses about how he can't work anymore because of his last work injury and she says it's a load of bullshit. He could at least make dinner.

No matter which door I go in, the front or the back, they are going to see me when I head for the stairs to get to my room. There's only one set of stairs to go upstairs and they are right outside the kitchen.

I waited a little while before I finally got up and I walked towards the house and I opened the door.

Evelyn and Henry were so interested in fighting with each other that they didn't see me so I walked upstairs and I got my things together and I went to have a shower.

When I came out of the bathroom, I went back to my room and I closed my door and locked it.

When I turned around I jumped because there was a man sitting in my room and it wasn't Henry.

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