The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 108


I walked a fair way across the field before I turned back and I saw Emma getting up to the top

of the stairs where her three fathers were waiting for her. And that damn dragon started

rubbing its head up against her like she was in danger or something.

I don't know. Maybe it really is just being protective and happy that she's at home.

Either way, I turned back around and kept walking in case any of them came after me.

That wasn't really a conversation that I wanted to have with her parents.

I walked to the nearest village that was set up and when I got to a cabin in the middle of town,

I opened the front door but as soon as I walked inside I had to duck as a glass bottle came flying at my head.

"What the hell Hazel?" I yelled.

"What the hell were you doing with that b***h?" Hazel growled.

"That's my business. Not yours."

"As long as you're living here with me then you better make it my business." She yelled.

"Your parents are friends with the Queen. I'd watch it if I were you." I warned her.

"What is that meant to mean?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Emma hasn't told her parents what you've been doing. But that doesn't mean that I won't. We're cousins Hazel, who haven't seen each other in about 5 years. So I don't really think of you as a close relative. Just leave Emma alone." I demanded as I walked down the hallway to my room and I slammed the door.

I could hear Hazel ranting in the living room and her mother walked out there to see what the

hell was going on but Hazel couldn't tell her the truth.

If her parents found out that she was bullying the princess then she would be in so muchnoveldrama

trouble. Her parents want the Queen to like them. Not to hate them because of their daughter's behavior.

I went to the bathroom to have a shower and I got dressed in a pair of shorts and I went back

to my room.

I laid on the bed looking through my phone at an encrypted page that was dedicated to the royal family.

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There were so many photos of the Queen with her mates, the three Kings, going to different functions. Photos from Emma's birthday party and photos going back to when Emma was born. Everything has been documented on this site for everyone to keep up to date with what they

are doing.

I tried to find upcoming events that Emma would be at, but she was telling the truth.

She doesn't really do anything during the week. Only on weekends. When she doesn't have school. 

She does look a lot like her mother, but a little thicker than her mom. But that doesn't matter a whole lot. She's not fat. She's just built more like her dad's. That's all. She's got an athletic body and there's nothing wrong with that.

I was laying there looking at my phone when I got a message from another guy at school. LEVI - So, how did the date go?

ME - A lot better than expected. Jealous?

LEVI Not yet. It was one date.

ME-I can tell that she already likes me.

LEVI - Well, good luck man. You're gonna need it being an outsider and she does have three dads. 

I couldn't stop thinking about what Levi had said. And I wasn't sure where this was ever going

to go with Emma. Not while she was a princess and she had three overprotective fathers. This was definitely going to be an uphill battle.

I eventually dozed off but it was pretty late so when my alarm started going off the following morning I was still really tired.

I dragged myself out of bed and I went to the kitchen where aunt Jayla was making breakfast.

"You got in late last night. I heard you and Hazel going at it again." Jayla said.

"Yeah. She was pissed about something. I don't even know what the hell she was pissed about." I lied.

"Okay. Well, I hope you two sort it out. I hate it when she's like this. She's in a sour mood for days and unbearable to live with." Jayla said. And I scoffed in agreement. Jayla and I ate breakfast together because Hazel was still in bed. She always slept in. Even on


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school days and then she only had a few minutes to get ready for school and it was a nightmare in the morning.

So I've given up waiting for her. I just go to school when I'm ready to go.

"Where's Uncle Thomas?" I asked.

"He had to leave for work early this morning." Jayla said.

"Alright. Well, I better get going too. Thanks for breakfast. It was great." I said.

"No problem." She said.

So I grabbed my bag and I left the house but I didn't go straight to school.

I stopped at the park that Emma and I were at last night and it was on the way to school.

An alarm started going off on my phone and I looked at it to see the timer giving me a reminder. It was a countdown.


It wasn't long before I looked up and I saw Emma walking past on the other side of the street.

So I grabbed my bag and I ran across the road to catch up to her.

"Emma." I said. And she turned around and gave me a big smile like she was really happy to see me. 

"Hi. Have you been waiting for me?" She asked.

"Yeah. I was at the park. I was hoping you'd come this way." I said.

"I always do."

"Do you mind if I walk you to school?"

"No. Of course not." She smiled.

So we started walking towards school and we started up our conversation about last night. It

was more of a debate really. Who was better, DC or Marvel.

Emma was a Marvel girl and I liked DC more. And we were trying to convince each other why ours was better.

It was a pretty interesting debate and I actually liked getting into it with her. She knew what

she was talking about. And I was really impressed. Most girls I've met doesn't care about this sort of stuff.

"So, do you have anything planned today? After training?" I asked.


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"No. About the same as usual. I usually do go to Avery's house. But I'm sure she'll understand

if you can come up with something else." She said.

"I don't want to come between you and your friends."

"You won't be. Don't worry about it." She smirked.

When we got to school Avery looked at Emma like she was really impressed, but I could tell

that she was playing it cool.

We stopped to talk to Avery out the front but it wasn't long before I saw a guy standing across the front yard of the school building and he was leaning against a tree staring at us.

I looked back at him briefly with a fire in my eyes, hating that he was here staring at us. But I turned back to Emma and gave her my full attention.

The other guy didn't deserve any of my time. Not at the moment anyway.

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