The Triplets' Fighter Luna

Chapter 116

The first class that day, I sat in my usual seat and Avery sat next to me, but Levi sat on the other side of me as well.

I saw Levi's friends and especially Hazel giving me a really dirty look because he was sitting with me instead of with them.

I tried to ignore them and keep my head down, but it was a little hard at times.

I turned to look at Avery and she was staring back at them.

I knew that she wasn't scared of them, and I didn't know if I was scared of them. I just knew

that I didn't want to have a confrontation with them. I don't want to be the princess who gets into school fights.

I tried to concentrate as much as possible on class but when it was over and I stood up and

started gathering my books up, Hazel stormed over and stood right in front of my desk. Staring me in the eyes, even though Levi was still standing there. "What the hell are you doing?" Levi asked.

"I'm giving this b***h a warning. It's bad enough that she's got that other mutt hanging around her. Now she's got you wrapped around her little finger." Hazel yelled. "Hazel. You don't know what the f**k you're talking about. Just leave." Levi said.

I saw the guards about to walk into the room to help me but I waved them off. That was the last thing I needed.

"I didn't do anything Hazel." I said.

"Bullshit. You've been waiting for this, haven't you? You've been waiting until you could get your claws into Levi because you knew that I liked him." She spat in my face. "She hasn't gotten her claws into me. I approached her." Levi said.

"Why the f**k would you do that to me?" Hazel yelled at him.

"Do what? We're nothing. We're not even together." Levi yelled back.

"What about the other night? Huh? What about that?" She yelled and I looked at Levi.


you serious? You really can't tell the difference between a relationship and a bed warmer? "Levi asked, And Hazel looked at him with tears starting to appear in her eyes. "What the f**k is going on in here?" Lucas asked.

+20 Paine

"It's nothing. We're leaving." Avery said, pulling me away from Levi and Hazel.

Lucas grabbed my books and he put them in his other hand and he held my hand with his

other hand and got me out of the room.

As soon as we got into the hallway I felt like I could breathe again.

Lucas could see that I was upset about that interaction and he suggested going outside. But I

wasn't going to miss class because of her. I had to go.

Lucas said that he would see me at lunch and I nodded my head as Avery and I walked down

the hallway.

"It's alright. You know Hazel's a b***h. She's just been looking for an excuse to go after you." Avery said.

"I know. But why the hell is Levi hanging around me if he's got something going with her. He put me in that situation."

"Yeah. He did. But I think she has most of the blame. She should have been able to read the cues. He's not interested. Not having her as a girlfriend anyway." Avery said.

When school finished that day I walked out the front with Avery and I immediately heard her start snickering.

Lucas and Levi were both waiting out there and I looked at her, asking her to shut up without actually saying anything to her.

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

"What do you mean? I'm already with Lucas. Levi and I can only be friends." I said.

"Well, technically you and Lucas have only been on a few dates. So, I don't think it would hurt to go on a date with Levi."

"Yeah. It will when Hazel attacks me." I said.

"You're the best fighter in the pack. She won't attack you because she knows that she won't

win. Even if you don't get into fights or throw your weight around like her. She still knows that she'll never beat you." Avery said.

I slowly walked over to the guys who weren't looking at each other but both started smiling when they saw me.

Lucas reached out for my hand and he kissed me. But then he gave Levi a smug look that he didn't think I noticed, but I did.

I think these guys really are fighting over me.


+20 Paint 

I looked at Avery for help so she stepped up next to me instead of standing behind me and put

her arm across my shoulders.

"So, what are we all doing this afternoon?" Avery asked.

"How about we all just head to the diner and get something to eat." I suggested.

"That's a brilliant idea. Come on." Avery said, pulling me away from the guys.

We started walking down the road and the guys quickly caught up to us and I knew that Avery didn't want to be the fourth wheel or anything, but she was a good friend and she wasn't going to let me face this situation on my own.

When we got to the diner we sat in a booth and Avery and I were talking away like we always did and Avery made sure that we were sitting on the same seat so the guys had to sit next to each other.

"So Emma, I was thinking we could go for a drive this weekend." Lucas said.

"Where to?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm not really familiar with the area. I thought you could give me a tour or something."

"Maybe. That's usually when I am put to work by my parents. But I should be able to get out of it." I said.

"Great. I'm looking forward to it." He said.

Levi looked over like he was really jealous or something and I wasn't sure what he was

thinking. I wish I could, but this wasn't a situation I had ever been in before so I was really

uncomfortable right now.

And Avery squealing at one point didn't help when she scared the hell out of me.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked. But she was looking out the window.

So I looked outside as well and there was a guy from another pack that wasn't too far from us standing outside.

Avery got up and ran outside and practically jumped on him and started kissing him.

"Who's that?" Lucas asked.

"That's Tatum. Avery's boyfriend." I said.

"I didn't know that she had a boyfriend." Levi said.

"She's had casual flings in the past. But when she met Tatum, that all stopped." I said.


+20 Point 

They finally came back inside and Avery brought Tatum with her so I knew that I had to move right over so I was pressed up against the wall so they could sit down. "Hey Emma. It's good to see you again." Tatum said.

"You too. Avery didn't tell me you were visiting." I said.

"I didn't know." Avery said.

Well, this just made everything a lot more interesting.

We all got something to eat and I guess having Tatum there was a good distraction. Because

the guys were talking while Avery and I were able to talk for a little bit. But then Avery left with Tatum and I was left alone with Lucas and Levi.

We left the diner and Lucas grabbed my hand straight away as we started walking when Hazel walked up to us.

"Oh shit." I muttered.

"Hazel. We're not doing this again." Levi said, standing in front of me.

"I know. My parents want to see Lucas." Hazel said, pretending like I wasn't even there.

"What about?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know. They just sent me to find you." Hazel said. So Lucas turned to me.

"I'll call you later." He said, leaning down to kiss me and he left.

"So, things are really getting serious with you two?" Levi asked.

"Honestly, I don't know what's going on with us right now." I said. And Levi started nodding his


"Come on then. Let's go." He said, grabbing my hand and he started leading me in a different direction.noveldrama

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He said.

So I went along with it, knowing that the guards were following but I couldn't see them. They'd

fallen back but I knew that they were there. And that's the way it was meant to be.

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