Chapter 80 - Kaida
Chapter 80 - Kaida
"It's feels so nice to be young again" I stretched my hands in the air, a groan of pleasure escaping my
lips when I hear the pop of my bones. I was able to return back to the small inn of the northern district
of Taivas I rented with the a few copper coins I had with me.
It wasn't a fancy place; it was room that travellers from the medieval period would stay at. Walls made
from dark oak wood, a single sized bed in the corner of the room, a single table with a bowl field with
fruit of apples and bananas and a single candle lamp beside the wooden fruit bowl. A chest laid under
the arched window that flooded sunlight in for any supplies that wanted to be sort inside it.
The room was small yet big enough for a person stay for the night.
"Says you" Homura's masculine tone was insinuating his annoyance. I glanced to where he sat on the
small brown wooden table not far from the bed where I sat.
Homura was still a bird and was clearly frustrated and annoyed about it. His scrawny little bird legs
were spread apart on the table and his feather wings crossed over his chest as his beady onyx raven
eyes narrowed at me.
"Your not going to be a raven forever, Homura" I said collapsed on the hard mattress of the bed that felt
like it was made from wood, all my energy seemed to have diminished. I wriggled myself to get in a
comfortable angle of the bed before staring completely at the wooden ceiling above me that creaked
and groaned faintly.
I already turned back to looking like the young Diana than the old one like Elisaria had instructed when
giving me the direction on how to use the potion she brewed especially for me and how long it will last
however for Homura, I had given him the mask potion the moment I stepped out the huge double doors
of the palace in fear he would suddenly turn back into a fox in front of the whole crowd and expose me
and to my luck, Neil and Lykos had already returned.
Imagining them seeing a raven turning into a fox would conclude on them believing I'm also under a
disguise but the worst part would be that if I escaped safely there might be a likely encounter in the
near future and the two would immediately recognise me because of Homura.
Then things will go downhill from there. I've seen and read so many scenes like that which resulted in
the ML falling in love with FL and sticking beside her until the end.
I don't have the time or mood for that to happen to me. No thanks I'm good.
"Just wait a little bit longer" I yawned, placing a hand over my mouth.
"Do you think I haven't" he hissed with sass resonating from his voice. "It's been hours and I'M STILL A
FUCKING BIRD" I could hear the muffle of his wings whipping the air.
"To be exact with you Homura, you only waited not even half the time period for the potion to
disappear" I peeked my head up to glance at Homura who was fuming with anger, fumes could be
seen escaping his non existing ears if looked close enough.
I plopped my head back on the hard mattress and continued to listen to Homura squawking and
"This is all your fault" Homura squawked loudly.
"U-huh" I answered sarcastically with another yawn. Last night's lack of sleep has find it's way back to
me right now. My eyelids were getting heavy making it difficult to keep them open and I could feel
myself nodding off a few times before regaining my conscious self.
However, with Homura's annoying bickering in my ears that made my ear drums rattle rendered it
difficult for me to get some shut eye and rest for a little before I set off again.
"I wouldn't be in this awful-EEEKKK" the woosh of my shuriken slicing the very air of the wind was
quick before thrusting into the very wood of the wall with a loud sharp thud right next Homura's little
raven head that probably made him shrink back in a trembling manner, shutting him for good.
There was finally silence after the shuriken hit and I could feel myself drift off to sleep... As so I thought.
"WATCH WHERE YOU THROW YOUR STAR ROCKS!" I was startled awake, my eyes quickly opening
as if there was some sort of surprise attack. "YOU COULD HAVE HIT ME!" his angry squawks at me
made me angry at him for waking me up.
'This stupid fox, does he not fear death? It seems like he has grown to arrogant for my likings'
"Your weren't even looking at where you were throwing. You could have sliced my head open" Homura
loud complaint urged me to throw a shuriken aimed at his head this time, but I composed myself.
"Shut up before I roast you instead" a malicious hiss slipped through. An icy cold feeling started to
swarm the warm air of the room, taking over the heat with its freezing air and seemingly turning into a
chilling blow.
The sounds of Homura's squawking was hushed and was taken over by faint shivering. Curious I
peeked my head up to see and hear Homura's clanking of his beak, he feathery wings wrapped around
himself as if a gush of cold wind and made him shiver from the cold.
"What the heck happened to you?" I questioned with a blunt tone while raising a thin silver eyebrow at
the confusing scene in front of me.
"A-as-s-k-k y-you-s-s-e-l-l-f-f" he stuttered in a shiver.
"Huh?" I titled my head, scratching my right cheek with my index finger. "Now your being weird?"
"W-weird my tail" he hissed, the stuttering of being cold faded away and narrowed his beady onyx eyes
at me. "You used magic against me, didn't you?" Homura swift his feathery black finger at me that was
the colour of obsidian with a growl.
"Have you forgotten I don't know how to use magic" I said with a deadpanned expression, my hands
crossing against my chest.
"Then what do you call the chilling air from before? If I recall, it was certainly human magic"
'The chilling air? I thought that was just my feeling.' I looked down at my stretched-out palm. The
sudden feeling of the cold from before was now lingering inside of me. It felt like it was freezing my
blood circulation and cooling down my average temperature freezing my bones turning them into
icicles. I continued to observe my palm 'Could this be Diana's magic? I might have startled it a little.'
"Your dazing out again" I glanced away from my palm to look at the raven's annoyed expression.
"Maybe" I mumbled. I should learn to control my emotions to avoid awakening Diana's ice and water
magic to its fullest and course a destruction 'Yeah, probably'.
Homura let out a distasteful sigh before jumping down to land on the chair that was pulled back. He
landed with a faint thud. He grumbled a few curse words at his raven body. My blue eyes observed the
fox trapped in a birds body make his way to the edge of the chair. Homura tilted his head to the side so
his eyes could see better at how far it was down.
I heard a faint gulped when he lifted his little obsidian hued head towards my direction. I rose an
eyebrow with a little smirk crossing the corner of my lips.
He lifted his wings in the air and opened his beak to speak "Help me down" he said bluntly like he was
in command of me or something.
I continued to stare at him without a budging. Homura still had his wings in the air as if he was waiting
for me to pick him up from under his wings and place him down. His little beady round onyx eyes stared
blankly at me.
I looked side to side then back at the patient waiting bird. "No" I replied bluntly watching his face frown
in confusion.
"What" he jerked back surprised with my answer. I turned myself to the other side of the bed, snuggling
myself under the thin blanket of the bed.
"Find your way back down yourself." I waved my hand back at him without looking back to his reaction.
"I really want to help but my body had decided to bail on me. I can't lift a single finger to help you' I said
dramatically just like how Homura does it.
"You selfish female human. I hope a bird shits on your food" he growled.
"Yeah, yeah" I yawned, gesturing my hand at Homura. "Now shut up, I want to sleep" I lifted the blanket
over my head to feel warmer and cosier. Snuggling my feet up and hugging myself into a ball.
The mattress was still hard to my side and a little uncomfortable however I slept in worser and more
uncomfortable places and on things before. This doesn't take the cake.
But I sort of missed Diana's queen-sized bed that was like sleeping in clouds. 'Whatever, I will deal with
this now until I return home back to my own bed where I can lay on it all day and watch anime or read
manga or maybe play some call of duty or candy crush on my phone'
I could muffling and shuffling from behind and Homura constant mumbling and cursing. Slowly turning
my head back to take a quick glance at what the bord was doing, I nearly muffled a laughter. Homura
was barely hanging on the chair; his wings was holding him up while his body dangle down and his left
feet tried aimlessly swing up to get back on the chair.
'This dumb bird'
"Don't fall" I called out with a sly snicker to the bird who didn't even look my way, but I could see in his
onyx eyes how annoyed he was with me.
"Shut up" Homura squawked at me. "I will get down. Just not thi-" too late, his claw slipped trying to
swiftly pull himself up, his wings held him up, but his body swayed from side to side from the
He took a peeked down and gulped with a phew. "I thought I nearl-AHHHH" I had thrown a shuriken at
the chair startling the bird making him let go of the chair he hung on for dear life. I watched as he tried
to flap his wings to fly but he dived down with a thud.
He lay on the hard wooden floor with his wings and claw spread about, his long dark grey beak aiming
at the ceiling.
"Homura are you dead?" I ridiculed him with a question that would piss him off.
"I think my soul just left my body for a second" his voice was sucked in as he mumbled. There was
silence for a mere second when he quickly turned his head to the side to glare at me. "WHAT THE ****
"That wasn't me" I shook my head side to side slowly, pursing my lips. "That was the ghost of my
ancestors that possessed my arm" I pulled my arm out from under the covers, slumping it back like I
had no control over it anymore.
Homura growled at me, and I smiled innocently at him like he always did whenever he did or said
something stupid that pissed me off.
"I hope you fall down to your death"
"U-huh" I answered lazily, turning my back on him, and snuggling myself back under the covers. "Now
hush little birdy. Your master wants to sleep" I yawned, closing my eyes letting the exhaustion take over
"Master my tail. I hope you get eaten by a dragon" I could hear his words became faint as I finally
drifted off to sleep. The darkness I laid upon was comforting and it made feel like I was home again.
Shaken red eyes gazed upon the wailing man who was held down by two men in black that didn't
budge as the man hailed angrily to be let go of and forgiven for what he was about to do.
The little girl stood in front of the scene with body trembling an irregular rhythm, shoulders were
hunched forward as she stared hazily at the man that spat venomous words at her. The intense fear
had clogged her throat and her mind blank without a single thought trailing in her mind except for the
horrifying scene that repeated itself like a movie in her mind.
The little girl didn't budge when she felt a big masculine hand rest upon her shoulder, the heat of the
hand penetrated through her thin material and warming down the cool skin of hers.
She only waited for what was about to come to her or to him. Nevertheless, would anyone listen to a
little girl like her or to the grown up who held more power over her? it didn't matter, she was a cursed
human, a demon born from the devil, or whatever the people called her.
"Master" the wailing man called out, his eyes beginning to widen in relief, but it showed the intense fear
of death. "It's all a misunderstanding. I was only showing this little girl the way back to quarters" he said
but fear could be heard blocking his way of speech. His brow glittering from the sweat that was seen
forming down.
"Isn't that, right?" he glanced at the girl's fazed red eyes with a smile of desperation forming on his
The little girl who only looked half their race wanted to speak but the fear had prevented her to and she
continued to stare with shaken eyes, hands quivering uncontrollably and her mouth dry as the desert.
The man who tackled her into one of the abandoned rooms, trying to rip away her clothes as she tried
to fight for her innocence. Crying for him to stop while the man's lustful expression that wanted to see
what this little girl had, licking his lips as he did was now being held down on his knees, hands bent
back by the two agents that glared at the man disgustingly and fear written all over the man's face now
instead of the expression from earlier.
"See" the man's quivering brown eyes glanced back to the cold emotionless face of the master that
glared down with distant cold steel eyes that screamed death.
He stood behind with his hand on the girls shoulder, over towering the red eyed girl who eyes was
covered by her jet-black bangs that she outgrew to hide away those blood red eyes of hers. A few
strands of his jet-black hair was slicked to the side, hovering down his left stoic blue eye and it hiding
away from view.
The master only looked like he just reached his 20s with a face that made the women in the agency
fawn over whenever he walked past them.
Everyone could tell he was taking a nightly stroll in his garden like he always does just by the way he
dressed for it unlike his usual attire of a black suit. A lightly dressed kimono with nothing under his haori
as it came into a v neck revealing the muscular abs he possessed, his light skin glittering under the
moonlight that flooded through the windows and into the corridor halls.
"Who knew my organisation had disgusting dogs like him running around" his voice came our harsh
and cold-heartedly that sparked the fear in everyone in the room and even the little girl had felt her
heart stop as if her soul left her body by the voice that made her freeze completely and beg for a quick
The colour had completely drained the man's face as he lips dropped to defeated frown.
"Now I'm curious of how many of my dear dragons you laid your dirty paws on"
"Master it's all a misunderstanding. I haven't laid-PUGH" he was beaten down by a kick in the belly by
the agent on the left that scowled down at him.
The little girl flinched, a scared squeal escaping from her mouth.
"Do not spout lies to the Master" the agent hissed at the man who coughed out a few droplets of blood
mixed with his salvia that splattered on the tiles.
Fumihiro nose scrunched in disgust when he saw the filth ruining the tiles of his organisation.
The red eyes girl felt the presence of the master behind as he knelt on the ground. He slowly turned
her around, facing her towards his direction.
Fumihiro knelt on one knee with his hand resting upon his arched knee while the other rested on the
half Asian girl that stood in front of him shivering with fear that didn't look into his demonic cold stoic
blue eyes.
"Little dragon, what is your name?" Fumihiro questioned softly, his slender masculine finger raising her
chin up to get a better look at the little girl that would work under him in years to come. Her jet-black
bangs covered her eyes preventing him to see clearly.
"Mast-PUGH" the man was kicked again in the stomach even harder making the girl flinch again in
"Shh, little dragon there is nothing to fear anymore. I am here" he said gently, slowly caressing the hair
away from her face so he can get a better look of her eyes that he heard so many rumours from his
agents recently.
"Do not speak to the master unless spoken to" another angry hiss of the man rattled in the girls ear
scaring her to close her eyes quickly preventing the cold man from seeing them.
The cold aura of Fumihiro began to linger around him frightening everyone even the girl who could just
feel even if she could not see.
"Open your eyes little dragon. Let me see what you fear to hide from the rest of the world" noveldrama
The little girl slowly began to open her eyes revealing the ruby red eyes that she hated so much. She
waited for the master to call her a monster, send her away or kill her. She held her breath and awaited
for the same reaction as everyone else's. Praying to the being above that he would harm her but even
if he did, please spare her older brother.
Fumihiro blue eyes widened in shock before it returned to the same cold emotionless expression
"Beautiful" he whispered.
The red eyed girl felt her heart began to pound rapidly; it was this unknown foreign feeling that began
to wrap warmly around her chest. Tears began to sting the corner of her eyes as her words choked her.
"Who dares to hurt you my dear little dragon?" he asked, even if his voice was cold and sounded harsh
there was a hint of warmth in them that she thought she wouldn't hear in a long time.
The red eyed girl couldn't utter a word not even a muffle could escape through her clogged throat.
"Tell me, what do you wish we do with him?" he asked gently flicking away a tear that began to drop
down her eyes.
She couldn't answer him but slowly averted her face down away from his cold gaze that somehow held
a little bit of warmth.
When she didn't answer him, Fumihiro took it upon himself to glance at the men and nod his head in
Immediately they began to beat him up, each one throwing a kick at the guy who desperately blocked
himself from their forceful kicks that hurt whenever the heels of their shoes collided with his body.
The little girl flinched with every kick she heard. She trembled inside with her heart pounding loudly in
her ears blocking away the muffled screams of the guy and the kicks.
Fumihiro already feeling the guy had enough of the beating rose his hand and this instantly made the
two agents stop and then to hold him back up.
Blood oozed out from the man's mouth; his head slumping left to right trying to keep himself balanced.
The red eyes girl slowly turned her head around to see the ending results of the man, but Fumihiro
stopped her by pinching her chin gently and making her turn her head back to look into his eyes again.
"Don't look at him. Look at me"
The little girl held her breath and awaited for his orders.
Fumihiro glanced away as he reached his hand in the sleeve of his haori and pulled out a pistol.
Was he going to kill him right in front of her?
No. She didn't want to see any more death. Her mother, father and the murderer who killed them was
enough. Why did she need to see him as well? He was beaten and that's all she wanted. She didn't
want death; she didn't want any of it. She just wants to go under the covers of her blankets away from
all this horror and killing, away from this dreadful world as she blocks every sound away with the little
palms of her hands.
She wants her mother and father.
Where is big brother Daisuke? she wants to see him. Where is he?
His probably sleeping soundly in his room in the boys quarters not knowing that she was nearly going
to be raped in this quiet night.
She wanted Daisuke to hug her and tell her everything is ok. But he isn't here.
She is all alone tonight.
The little girl felt the warm hands grab her cold sweaty hands that still trembled. She looked down to
see how big the masters hands was compared to hers, as hers rested gently on his palm.
"Do the organisation a favour and get rid of dirty dogs who do not deserve to live" his tone of voice
changed to the same half-heartedly man from before while he placed the heavy pistol on her palm that
disappeared from view because of the pistol.
Her eyes widened in horror as it laid upon the pistol given to her. Her breath becoming loud and heavy
to her ears as she tried to steady her beating heart that screamed for her to run, run away from this
man, and don't look back but her legs wouldn't budge, and her knees failed to move.
She stood there sweating with fear that her pyjamas began to stick to her skin due her cold sweat.
"It seems like you still haven't learnt to use a gun yet my dear Kaida" a soft yet deep chuckle was
heard. "Don't worry I will be the first to teach you" he stood up slowly before moving behind the girl and
slowly turning her towards the horrified man that was muffling screams from the cloth that was wrapped
around his mouth to prevent him from waking the kids that slept in their rooms not far from here.
Fumihiro knelt behind her, his hands stretching out to reach hers and helping her to hold the gun
properly with her delicate tiny hands that was soon going to be stained with blood and aimed at the
head of the man who still struggled to get free.
"Keep your aim steady, your eyes on the target and your finger off the trigger unless you're ready to
shoot" he explained with a whisper.
Her hands were cold and clammy compared to his which was warm and soft to the touch and gentle
towards hers. For such a small gun that was only a pistol was really heavy and she could feel her arms
beginning to tire from holding such heavy metal however thanks to Fumihiro helping her hold it was
taken a little of the heavy lift.
She stared into the begging eyes of the man that pleaded for mercy, for forgiveness.
"ARTEMIS!" she was startled by the sudden voice that sent a warm light into her heart. She turned her
head around to see her the frightened brown eyes of her brothers that stared at her in utter belief, his
mouth slightly opened that wanted to say something, but the shock was overwhelming that it sent him
He stood there like his whole body had failed him while the agents that came with the master had one
of their hands blocking his way from interfering with the master and her.
"D-Daisuke" after being completely frightened that sent her throat dry and blocking her way to speak,
she was finally able to mumble her brothers name.
"Eyes on your enemy, Kaida" Fumihiro said moving her head away from Daisuke and back at the
direction of the man that had given up and just stared blankly at the floor as his sweat splattered the
"Never turn your back on the enemy who is still breathing, you do not know when they will pull out the
energy to attack" Fumihiro explained coldly, his words a slightly louder for everyone to hear.
"Walk away once there is no life to be seen in their eyes"
"A-Artemis. What happened? Artemis!" the worry of her brothers voice echoed in her ears distracting
her from her thoughts, she wanted to turn around to answer him, run over to him and hide herself in his
embrace away from all this and cry it all away until she could not shed anymore tears.
His voice was suddenly became muffled when she felt the gun her hands became really heavy, the
back of her hands feeling the cold breeze attack her skin making it cool. Those hands that helped her
hold the gun was now blocking her ears muffling her brothers voices and yells.
"Attention on the target, don't get distracted with things around or you will be killed" Fumihiro whispered
in her ears as he stated. His warm breath tickling the back of her neck making her shiver.
She aimed the gun at the guys head, her hands still shaking yet her finger slowly drifted to the trigger.
The man's eyes lifted slowly up and stared sympathetically towards her, the plead in his eyes that
wanted to be forgiven for what he wanted to know.
Artemis stared blankly with tears in her eyes that escaped it's cage and ran freely down her hot pink
cheeks. She didn't want to kill him. She didn't want to kill anyone. It was all wrong.
He spoke in a hush tone in between his hand in her ear, speaking gently but a threatening cold tone
that sent hate towards the people "Do not hesitate to kill your enemies or anyone in that matter. They
all people who deserve the punishment coming for them. He deserves to be killed for the women he
touched forcefully with hands that should have been kept by his side. The man that killed your parents
he deserved to be killed for murdering innocent people who posed no harm to society but lived their
lives happily with their families" His words suddenly struck something in the little girls beating heart.
The intense fear that night when she locked eyes with the murderous eyes that laughed maliciously at
her with a devilish wide grin across his face, face splattered with the blood of her parents, the knife that
killed her parents clutched in the bloody hands of the murderous man, this fear that haunted her
dreams began to disappear, the nonexciting range for the man that was never there began flame in her
Her hands began to shake not from fear this time but anger.
He deserved to die for what he did to her parents.
The horror of being molested and nearly raped by this man that begged for forgiveness in front of her
began to fade, the flame of anger that was now heating to burst out in her chest, finally ignited.
He deserves to die for what he tried to do to her, for what he did to the other girls before her.
The terror in her shaken ruby eyes began to disappear and was being repossessed by the cold fury of
a killer. She didn't feel sympathy for this man no more, it was just the thirst for revenge for what he tried
accomplishing. It disgusted her.
All these men, people all deserve to die for what they did to innocent people who posed no threat to
anyone. They all should die. Die in her hands.
Her finger didn't hesitate to move to the trigger as her hands became steady and her eyes narrowing
angrily at the terrified man who started to muffle a few screams.
A grin started to form across Fumihiro's face as he watched the little girl steady her breath, the gun
now firmly gripped in her hands that was once trembling in fear.
"No one deserves to live for the crimes they commit" Fumihiro said with a hushed cold tone that
echoed in Artemis' ears.
"They all deserve to die" she replied back, the tremble in her voice that was once there was gone but to
be replaced by a cold and distance tone.
"ARTEMIS!" the sound of gunshot blocked away the yell of her big brothers, bouncing across the
corridor and the sudden sharp scent of blood pierced Artemis' nose.
She slowly lowered the pistol down, her ruby red eyes gazed at the slumped man on the floor, his blood
began to form a pool under him.
Artemis the little girl who trembled in fear at the sight of blood and death was no more as she stood
coldly staring the man, she just killed without batting a single eye. The cold revengeful eyes was now
living within her very eyes, no more of the innocent girl who played in the garden with the lizards or
butterflies that flied past her.
She was Artemis Ray. An assassin of the Ryu organisation. A now heartless killer.
A satisfied look crossed Fumihiro's stoic steel eyes. This little dragon was going to grow up to be
feared among her comrades. It made him excited.
"You've done well" he placed his palm on Artemis head. "Kaida"
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