
Chapter 18

look on his face as he stares down his older brother before he drops his chin.

0088% 18:16

“What is wrong?” I ask, standing and reaching out to touch Merikh’s arm. His muscles flex as he works his fist open and closed and then slowly looks down at me.

“Nothing you need to worry about,” he mutters, dropping a kiss on the top of my head. “Why don’t you some dinner with Penny and Percy?” He says, stepping away from me, going cold.

go grab

His change in demeanor has my stomach in knots, as I think of all the possibilities. The only thing I can think of is they figured out who the mole is, and it was someone he trusted and he is feeling betrayed.

“I would rather eat with you” I admit, watching him nervously. His anger seems to melt a little as he offers me

a soft smile.

“Maybe a walk then, since I haven’t taken you to training and your leg still needs the exercise.”

“Okay,” I say, but in truth, I would rather remain by his side.

“I’ve mind linked Penny. She will meet you on the trail. Percy will be your shadow,” Hayes whispers as I walk past him, and I nod.

“Thank you, Hayes.”

I look over my shoulder once more as I walk out the door, catching Merikh watching me as I leave. He smiles softly when he realizes he has been caught, and it sends a thrill through me. I have no idea how three weeks can make it seem like I have known him all my life, but now that I am here, now that I know him, It feels like maybe this is where I was always meant to be.


The walk through the packhouse is eerily quiet, no one enters the halls or even watches me as I slide out the side door. Not that it is common to be stopped or acknowledged but it’s strange doing these things without Merikh or

my gamma gang.

Thankfully it doesn’t take me long to make it to the trail once I leave the pack house. The walk through the old town makes me smile, knowing that this is all mine, truly mine, as of tomorrow. There is no taking it back or kicking me out once Merikh accepts me.

It also means there is no escape for me, but why would I want to escape when he makes life feel like wanted? What Merikh sees in me I will never understand. I’m just glad he sees more than anyone else ever has.

Emergency colls only.



My excitement swells and I find myself walking faster to get to Penny. I can’t wait to tell her the news. She is going to freak out and want to help me pick out a dress and thank the heavens for that, because I have no fashion sense. Penny, however, loves a cute top and some adorable functional shoes.

I look around, expecting to have come across her by now, but I see nothing. I spin, looking behind me and in the shadows where Lexpect Percy to be, but again I see nothing. A strange feeling falls over me, and my skin prickles

with awareness.

Something is wrong

I can feel the way it creeps up my skin, setting off alarm bells in my head and I whimper, unsure of what the hell to do. Percy is supposed to be with me somewhere hidden, and Penny can’t be too far off. Fuck, I wish I had that mind link up and running right now.

“Percy?” I call out, spinning as I wring my hands together. Where the hell is everyone? My wolf whines, making her presence known while we wait for a response. Percy doesn’t make a peep, and I can feel the dread creeping

in on me.

“Percy!” I hiss into the shadows of the trees, but if he is there, he doesn’t answer me. “It’s fine, it’s probably just because I’m not used to being alone anymore… I try to reassure myself.

Then I see it, a figure moving toward me and I breathe a little easier. Until I realize it’s not the redheaded man who is supposed to be protecting me. Nor is it his twin sister with a spunky personality. I wait for a mere second obvious I am on my own. to see if Percy will step in to stop them, but as the figure grows closer, it becomes ver

“Shit!” I squeal as I turn and sprint up the trail and through the trees, leaping over roots and sidestepping rocks, like I do in my training sessions.

It takes longer than I’d like to admit, but I make it to the clearing at the top of the hill. Twenty more feet. I just need to make it twenty feet further for Merikh to see me on the ledge from his office. That is all it will take for him to know I need help. I lurch forward, falling onto my stomach as weight topples me down.

I try to crawl away, screaming out for Percy or Penny again, hoping they are close enough to hear me. But again, no one comes to aid me. The person on my back wrestles with me as I throw an elbow back and pain radiates up

my arm.

At least I hit the asshole in the face. They groan in pain, falling off me with curse words and I twist, popping up as fast as I can, ready to put up a good damn fight. Then I pause, squinting my eyes to make sure I’m not imagining things.


Emergency calls only MON

“Grady?” I ask, shocked, eyes wide now as I glance around for anyone who might come after him. If Percy or Penny show up now he is dead man.

“Cole,” he breathes, stumbling forward and cupping my face, a massive smile on his lips like he has never been so happy “I found you,”

“What the hell are you doing here?” I hiss, ushering him as far from the ledge as I can get him..noveldrama

“I came for you,” he mutters, looking confused as I pull his hand away from my face.

I frown at him, trying to grapple with the fact he is here that he is confessing he came for me. He clings to my fingers in desperation and I let him as I scan him for injury.

“I came to save you from the alpha of death. Colette, I came to claim you as mine.”


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