Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 2552 Immortal Court’s Physique Restoring Elixir

Chapter 2552  Immortal Court’s Physique Restoring Elixir

Lin Mu took a pause once he heard Xukong's words. Seeing that his master was telling him this, he understood that there was more to this matter than he knew.

'At the very least, it looks like the Temple Head is telling the truth,' Lin Mu thought and raised his hand. "I'd like to talk about this in private if you won't mind," he stated.

"Of course," Xing Duyi agreed quickly.

Lin Mu's companions also didn't question it, knowing that there were some secrets that shouldn't be pried into. His background was already mysterious to them, and now it seemed to be getting simply unbelievable.

But since this was coming from a well-established and trusted person like the Temple Head, there wasn't really a reason for them to doubt it.

Lady Kang, who seemed to know a bit more about the Spatial Master, was highly pleased, though.

'I thought I was just getting a budding Spatial Master, but this is beyond that. If he is the Great-Granduncle Master, his seniority is unquestionably high,' she thought. 'Where would that place Lin Mu? Above the Spatial Master Xin Feng?' she wondered.

If it really was that high, then Lin Mu's value would shoot unbelievably high. Forget commissioning him; even getting the chance to be acquainted was something that many would pay for.

Making a connection like this was something one could only wish for, but whether it would happen was a different question.

'We cannot take him lightly. I should ask the Clan Elders for higher priority,' she thought to herself.

"Shall we head back?" Crown Prince Feng Shun asked. "If you two wish to talk, you can use the cabin on the ship while we do some repairs," he added.

"That'll be fine," Lin Mu nodded.

"Your ship was damaged?" Envoy Liu asked.

"Yes, the others are near it right now," Crown Prince Feng Shun replied.

The group had split up as Lin Mu's closer companions had gone to him while the rest, such as Mei Nianzhen, Chong Fa, and Childe Wildfire, were all back at the ship, as that was also where they had cracked open the Spatial Fold Barrier.

"Let's head there," Envoy Liu said, and the group quickly flew off.

"How's your arm, Great-Granduncle Master?" The Temple Head had not missed the grave state of Lin Mu's hand.

"Currently useless, but Lady Kang says it can be mended," Lin Mu answered.

"How did this happen?" Envoy Liu asked.

Lin Mu's companions then explained the fight that had happened and how his skill had rendered him like this.

"As expected of Great-Granduncle Master," the Temple Head praised. "Please, take this." The old man said before taking out a small vial. noveldrama

Lin Mu looked at the delicate little vial that had a pinkish liquid inside it. It was very dense, as if it were mercury, and felt heavy in the hand.

"What's this?" Lin Mu questioned.

"The Immortal Court's Physique Restoring Elixir!" Crown Prince Feng Shun and his companions recognized it immediately.

"I've never seen one before," Ziran was interested in it too. "This is the top regenerative elixir of the Immortal Court, isn't it?"

"Indeed. It can regenerate entire limbs and heal most injuries. It can even heal meridians over time," Crown Prince Feng Shun stated.

"Take it; it's the least we can do," the Temple Head replied. "You deserve it, after all."

"Lady Kang was gonna—" Before Lin Mu finished his words, though, he was interrupted.

"This is on the same level as the elixir I was going to procure for you," Lady Kang replied. "Take this for now. I'll still have the physicians check up on you later. This will at least make your arm usable again," she recommended.

"Alright." Seeing that everyone was insisting, Lin Mu took the small vial.


Upon opening its cap, a rich fragrance wafted from it. At first, it smelled like a bouquet of flowers, but once the smell had settled in Lin Mu's nose, it quickly turned into a metallic smell, as if one were sucking on a copper coin.

It was definitely different than any other elixir or pill Lin Mu had taken before.


Lin Mu downed the vial in one go and instantly felt the metallic taste spreading in his mouth. Once he swallowed it, his stomach activated instantly.


A surge of vitality spread through his body and was quickly absorbed by his stomach before being directed toward his right arm.

Lin Mu felt an intense itch all over his arm before he felt as if it were burning again.

If a normal person were experiencing this, they might be rolling on the ground in intense agony, but Lin Mu was used to it.

He endured it for a minute and watched as his charred arm began to change. Cracks formed on the surface of his skin before it started to slough off. Baby pink skin could be seen underneath, while the flesh on his palms began to grow back.

Within five minutes, it had grown to cover his palm as well as his fingers.

By the time they reached the ship, Lin Mu had already regenerated his right arm. The other smaller injuries he had on his body were also healed by it, and he felt a lot better.

"This is so good." Lin Mu hadn't expected the elixir to be this strong.

"Of course it is. The Immortal Court's Physique Restoring Elixir is highly valuable. You can't even buy it and can only obtain it by exchanging merits," Daoist Chu answered.

"How much would you need?" Lin Mu asked curiously.

"Hmm… Enough to exchange for a fragment of the Great Bagua Mythic Series," Crown Prince Feng Shun estimated.

"That high?" Lin Mu raised his brows. "Its effects are certainly worth it, then," he said, checking his arm.

His arm wasn't as muscular as before, but that could be fixed over time. His meridians were also restored to their positions, but they would need a few more days to regain their normal strength.

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